Scientists have explained the existence of “the other world” with positions of quantum mechanics

Scientists have explained the existence ofA photo from open sources

For true fans of telepathy, teleportation, clairvoyance, life after death and other “paranormalities” Professor Roger Penrose is almost an icon. On the one hand, the famous theoretical physicist heads the Department of Mathematics at Oxford University, is Professor Emeritus of many foreign universities and academies. is he awarded prestigious prizes, including the Albert Prize Einstein, Wolf, Medal of the Royal Society. In 1994 for outstanding achievement in the development of science, the Queen of England appropriated him knight’s title. But, on the other hand, this prominent scientist gives a chance to various “phenomena” of paranormal phenomena. Like a master of science could get to this? It’s all about one amazing job. scientist. He created a quantum theory of consciousness. How did you come to her – this is a special conversation, understandable only to very narrow specialists in areas of theoretical physics. Many will be surprised that starting point became the fundamental contradictions between theory relativity of Einstein and some of the provisions of quantum physics. As a result of complex inferences, this conflict of the two greatest achievements in the history of science brought the scientist … to the principles of work brain. And, in the end, on its quantum nature. No, Penrose never talked about telepathy, nor about what the soul is, nor about worldwide mind, not about life after death. They did it for him. others, in particular, his associate Stuart Hameroff – professor Anesthesiology and Psychology, University of Arizona, and Director Center for the Study of Consciousness. We can say that Hameroff in his own way developed the ideas of Penrose. He states that the human brain is natural quantum computer, our consciousness is its software security, and the soul – information accumulated at the quantum level. And finally, the apotheosis of his revelations: quantum information cannot to be destroyed. And if so, then after the death of the body information merges with the universe, where it can exist indefinitely. “This information is the soul,” Hameroff assures. “I think that consciousness or what preceded it has always existed in The universe. Perhaps since the Big Bang. The phenomenon of life after death, “according to Hameroff, is quite explainable in terms of science. If the patient is resurrected, then the soul returns from space with corresponding memories. And a man revived talks about the tunnel, the bright light and how he got out of his body. Photos from open sources How it relates to such revelations Hameroff himself Roger Penrose, unknown. Anyway, by he did not speak out about this. But at the same time it’s already obvious that these two scientists found each other. Penrose theory lacked one the most important detail: the carrier of quantum consciousness. The same which should be the basis of a quantum computer. And Hameroff prompted the answer: these are protein inside neurons microtubules. Back in 1987, in one of his books, he suggested that microtubules are clearly underestimated by science. What not neurons, namely, they accumulate and process in the brain information. The professor convinced Penrose of this, and now scientists a duet claim: microtubules in their structure are best suitable for being carriers of quantum properties in the brain, that is, work with quantum computers. Quantum computer microtubules, quantum consciousness have long been a trump card the most advanced apologists for “paranoscience.” They claim that their “phenomenal” abilities are scientifically based in works worldwide famous scientist. So, there can be no doubt. Does he himself know that he has announced many “children-phenomena”? It is unlikely that anyone understands his ideas, but living well under their canopy. As for the scientific community, then the vast majority of Penrose construction scientists perceive very skeptical. Some even recall scandalous books Russian academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Anatoly Fomenko, who, not for a second without hesitation, decided to apply his mathematical knowledge to history, radically revised its entire course, than plunged into a deep shock of all specialists in this field of knowledge. What is consciousness? Today, science believes that it arises from a multitude of calculations, which the brain does. So, the brain is also a computer. Such as traditional computers, however, are significantly inferior to them in power. Penrose strongly disagrees. is he proves that there are certain areas, tasks, questions, with which none of the most powerful can ever handle supercomputer. There is a fundamental prohibition. But the brain such tasks are on the shoulder. Penrose himself calls it amazing quality non-computational brain activity. And then the scientist wonders: what is the reason for this phenomenon? And begins iterate over different areas of physics. It turns out that the classic mechanics, and field theory, and quantum mechanics – all this is purely computing areas. If so, then the brain is not classical, but superquantum computer, the laws of construction of which science is still to be found. That is, to explain the phenomenon of the brain so far still unknown physics. She must replace the quantum mechanics, as it once replaced the classic. But where to look Penrose did not indicate this new science.

Universe Life Einstein

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