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Scientists from Duke University, located in North Carolina, conducted a study which resulted in figured out how to “strangle” cancer cells.
According to a new study by scientists from Duke University, a high level of copper in the body caused by excess in the diet of green vegetables and seafood, provokes the development of melanoma (a malignant tumor of the skin), as well as cancer breast, lung and thyroid gland. While researchers do not believe that it is copper that causes development malignant tumors, they believe that it helps cancer cells to “breathe”. Open source photos Blood contained in copper feeds cancer cells As a result, the removal of copper from the diet “strangles” cancer cells, that is, it stops the growth of the tumor. Previous studies have shown that the presence of this element in drinking water, corresponding to the maximum permissible concentration, accelerated cancer progression in mice. But the decrease in the level of copper slowed down tumor growth, which allowed scientists to suggest: this substance is an important factor in the development of cancer in humans, recalls Daily Mail correspondent. Now the results of the new studies have proven that the presence of copper in the body plays a certain role in the development of tumors, united by one reason – a mutation in the BRAF gene that causes uncontrolled fission cells. Experiments on mice made scientists realize that it was copper “spurs” the development of changes in the BRAF gene. Researchers believe that the findings will help them develop drugs, blocking the absorption of copper by the body, and thereby help cancer patients and patients who suffer from rare mutations. Similar results were achieved during the experiment with drugs used to treat patients with Wilson’s disease – a genetic disease characterized by damage to the nervous system and liver, which occurs due to impaired copper metabolism. “Mutation in the BRAF gay involved in the regulation of cell division and differentiation, causes cells to get out of control. However blocking copper stops the growth of tumors with this mutation. This the process takes place even in those cells that are not amenable to traditional treatment, ”the lead study emphasized. Dr. Donita Brady Clinical trials copper blocking drugs were approved, and their first action patients with melanoma will feel.
Anna Romantseva
Oncology time