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As you know, the five “classical” feelings of man represent vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch.
Modern scientists often distinguish as the sixth organ senses the vestibular apparatus responsible for the sense of balance and position in space. Many also consider additional sense of intuition, however official science, not knowing to which to the body to “attach” this ability, simply it is not considering.
American experts from California Technological Institute and their Japanese colleagues from Kyoto University held joint research, which concluded that man is also characterized by magnetoreception – the ability to sense Earth’s magnetic field and, possibly, navigate it.
Bacteria, fruit flies, honey bees have this feeling. birds, shellfish, fish, lobsters, turtles, bats and some other animals.
Scientists have created a special cage room with artificial magnetic field, the direction of the lines of force of which can be freely changed. Then, in turn, they were placed in the cage volunteers, and an electroencephalograph recorded brain activity each of them. It turned out that during the rotation of the magnetic field electrical vibrations in the central nervous system people noticeably change their amplitude.
Based on this, the authors of the experiment concluded that people really perceive a magnetic field, but before it’s it seemed pure fantasy.
It is noteworthy that the change in the amplitude of oscillations in the brain volunteers occurred only when the magnetic field rotated counterclockwise as natural way in the northern hemisphere of the earth.
When it rotates in the opposite direction, no changes observed as if the brain ignored false signals. Similar some animals may turn off magnetoreception when faced with abnormal magnetic fields (for example, during a thunderstorm). If experiment was conducted in the southern hemisphere then changes in the brain experimental would probably occur when the field rotates clockwise arrow.
Alas, until scientists were able to determine how a person succeeds catch the magnetic field of the planet. If the birds have special sensitive protein, then our body like polypeptides are thought to be deficient. Also for researchers It remains a mystery why man generally needs magnetoreception.
Bird Time