Scientists have found an unusual way to slow down aging

Scientists have found an unusual way to slow agingPhoto from open sources

After a long search, British scientists found that if stimulate the vagus nerve through the ear then occurs “restructuring” of the autonomic nervous system in the elderly. This The procedure helps to slow down the aging process.

What scientists say about the vagus stimulation procedure nerve

According to scientists, a neurostimulator directs electrical pulses into the left vagus nerve, which transmits these signals straight to the brain.

Earlier, electrodes were implanted in the neck, but here a number of side effects. Given this, the inventors took a different path, deciding to stimulate the nerve through the ear. This approach eliminates surgery, already demonstrated good results.

Scientists said that if for two weeks new way to stimulate the nerve through the ear, it will greatly improve mood, well-being and quality of sleep. In the end, this the procedure will slow down the aging process and generally protect organism from various age-related diseases, for example, diseases cardiovascular system and hypertension.

Andrey Vetrov

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