Photo from open sources
In the PNAS scientific journal of the american academy of sciences published studies that conclude that Russia allegedly is a source of radioactive cloud, held in 2017 over Europe.
Having discovered on October 3, 2017, a huge level of radiation in German scientists in central Europe together with Austrian sounded the alarm. Then indirect evidence was presented, that the likely radio-emission was from Russia. While Rosatom stated that the data received are not enough to identify the exact location of the leak of isotopes of ruthenium-106. Russian experts suggested that the source could be a satellite, burnt in the atmosphere of the earth.
For several weeks, a radioactive cloud hung over different parts Europe, while the level of radiation was constantly fluctuating. Further France and Germany say Russia could be likely source of radioactive release.
The resulting data array was analyzed by European scientists in for two years, after which they concluded that his the source was the Chelyabinsk production association Mayak, which is located near the borders of Kazakhstan.
In addition, the PNAS report indicates that high levels of radiation did not pose a threat to people outside the borders of Russia.
According to experts, the study by Europeans did not proves that the radioactive release was at the Lighthouse, since scientists did not take measurements on the territory of Russia itself, that is, from Europe to a hypothetically defined source of release. Without this data, the analysis made by Europeans cannot be true.
Andrey Vetrov