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What smell does each of us associate with a corpse? Of course with the sickening stench of decomposition. Body decomposition however is the result of the activity of various microorganisms, beginners to eat dead flesh. But how does death itself smell?
British scientists from the University of Huddersfield set themselves the goal is to determine what the body smells like before it starts decompose. It turned out that none of these aromas are unpleasant you name it.
The results of this study were recently presented at Bradford Science Festival. Scientists said that in fact the initial stage of decomposition of the body, when bacteria do not yet begin his work, the corpse does not smell anything bad. First the body begins digesting oneself, as a result of which stand out significant volumes of hexanal. Hexanal is a volatile a substance with a characteristic smell of freshly cut grass.
Prof. Anna Williams and her anthropological study the group spent on pigs. According to scientists, a human corpse must have all the same odors. Specialists are painless killed animals and placed them in vacuum containers, where the vital activity of any organisms was impossible. Hourly scientists did an analysis of the air in the boxes. Having analyzed the chemical the composition of the samples, the researchers realized that during the first for several days, the corpse of a mammal also releases such substances like indole and trimethylamine. The first has the smell of building paint, the second is fresh fish.
The British believe that the results of their work are not only theoretical, but also applied value, for example, this discovery will help forensics specifically train dogs for searching recently dead people.