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Researchers at Kyoto Neurology Computing Laboratory (Japan) developed a technique for linking data tomography of the brain of a sleeping person with certain images. This means that now they can “see” what you dream. A team of scientists led by Yukiyasu Kamitani conducted a study in which sleeping people were carried out magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, revealing changes in blood flow through certain zones of the cortex. So scientists determined which parts of the brain of a sleeping person remain active. After this, the participants in the experiment were awakened and asked to tell what they dreamed about; then they fell asleep again. Repeating such a cycle every three hours, scientists received “reports” about 200 dreaming. In the next step, the researchers collected images that were associated with the most common in reports in words, and asked participants to review these images while doing magnetic resonance imaging the brain is already awake. Then scientists compared the data about the brain activity of sleeping and awake people who were connected with the same images. “We got a model that allows you to determine the presence or absence in a dream of one or another type of images, Kamitani explained in an interview for Scientific American – By analyzing brain activity data in nine seconds before waking up, we can say with an accuracy of 75-80 percent whether the sleeping person saw, for example, a person. In the next step research scientists will try to collect the same data related so called the “REM sleep phase” – when a person dreams more often Total. “This is more difficult, because in order to” catch “the subject in this phase, you must wait at least an hour after falling asleep. “” If we will learn to “read” the contents of dreams and find out how it due to brain activity, then we may be able to understand the function sleep itself. ”