Scientists have managed to reverse the aging process reversed

Scientists managed to reverse the aging processA photo from open sources

Studying the aging process of living organisms and methods managing it is one of the main directions of modern medical research. After all, it is in this area that the answers lie to important questions such as reducing morbidity and increasing human life span. It seems that scientists still managed to go one step closer to solving this incredibly difficult task. University of South Wales Joint Project (UNSW) in Sydney and Harvard Medical School have already proven that reverse the aging process is possible in the body of laboratory mice. Scientists hope to begin clinical trials of their methodology on people already in 2014. It seems that the future of medicine is no longer for mountains. Scientists have managed to reverse the aging process of mice by restoring the connections between mitochondria and cellular the core. Mitochondria is a kind of battery cell, which is the source of chemical energy needed for key biological functions. When is the connection between mitochondria and the nucleus cells are broken, the aging process is accelerated. Research team led by David Sinclair, a professor at UNSW, found that restoring this important intracellular connection, the process aging can not only slow down, but also reverse. This the technique will allow to treat cancer, diabetes of the second type, muscle atrophy, inflammatory, as well as mitochondrial diseases, which include chronic fatigue syndrome, liver failure, many syndromes due to mutation of genes and so on. This scientific breakthrough was preceded previous study of this team, during which found that regular exercise and certain diets, for example, eating foods containing a substance resveratrol (found in red wine and nuts), allow slow down the breakdown of intracellular bonds and, as a result, reduce the rate of aging of the body. Photo from open sources Restore intracellular communication hard-coenzyme helps nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) present in all living cells. Increasing the concentration of this coenzyme inside the cell through the introduction of special NAD-producing connections, you can achieve significant recovery acceleration vital links between the nucleus and mitochondria. “For us it was a real shock when we saw how fast it all happens, – doctor and project co-author shares with reporters Nigel Turner – If you increase the level of NAD in an adult mice, then in a week her muscles will be completely indistinguishable from muscles of younger and stronger relatives. “As a result, scientists have learned numerous experiments in one week rejuvenate laboratory mice two years old to age in six months. In other words, thanks to this discovery, any A 60-year-old person can be rejuvenated to the state of a 20-year-old. The process, of course, is not yet ideal and has not yet been fully studied, but the results that were achieved using conventional mice as an example quite impressive. Scientists also tried to apply a technique in relation to healthy and young mice. It turned out that “young” under the influence of NAD has become extremely energetic and incredibly active. It may well be that the technique will apply not only to old and sick people, but also suitable for those whose life is closely related to difficult physical labor. “Our most important discovery was the fact that HIF-1 element responsible for the development of many forms cancer, also begins to be developed in the body during aging, ”says one of the scientists. – Now we know for sure that the physiology of cancer in a sense similar to the physiology of aging. This explains that one of the biggest risk factors for cancer Is age. “At the moment, researchers are carefully observing for experimental mice that underwent a rejuvenation process. After all, it is very important that the technique does not give any failures and does not showed serious side effects. If with mice everything will be in order, scientists plan to begin clinical trials on people already at the end of 2014. Based on

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