Scientists have proven: life after death exist

Scientists have proven: life after death exists.Photo from open sources

Humanity throughout its existence has always I was worried about the question: what happens after death? While science trying to answer this question, British researchers found that after death a person is still conscious. IN The media often talks about people who have experienced clinical death or are in a state of coma, but all that they survived science calls only hallucinations.

British researchers from the University of Southampton were able to provide strong enough evidence that after cardiac arrest, a person continues to remain conscious. Command scientists interviewed four years of people who have experienced clinical death, or were in a state of coma.

2060 cases were examined in 15 medical institutions of different countries, including the USA, Austria and the UK. It turned out that 140 people of 330 were clearly aware of what was happening until they returned to of life.

Scientists said that 40 percent of clinical survivors death remembered an unusual sense of the presence of consciousness. Studies have shown that 39 percent understood that with them occurs, but this feeling looked fuzzy. Among these people 46 percent felt fear and that someone pursues them, 9 percent felt the approach of death, and 2 percent at the time of clinical death very clearly felt what was happening: experienced a way out of the body, saw and heard everything that was happening around.

One of the respondents said that he felt a feeling on the other side. appeasement. Research Director Dr. Sam Parnia explains that at the time of death the brain does not function, however the study found that people within three minutes are still remain conscious.

Earlier, American and German neurologists have proved the existence of life after death, fixing powerful electromagnetic pulses, coming from the brain of the dying.

Andrey Vetrov

A life

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