Scientists have proven that a person can breathe under water

Scientists have proven that a person can breathe under waterA photo from open sources

For the first time about a man-ichthyander told in his novel “Man amphibian “Soviet science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev. But the doctor Boris Egorov, who was the first scientist to go into space, believed that a person can really dive to great depths and breathe there, getting oxygen directly from the water, you only need fill his lungs with a special fluid.

Then this idea seemed absurd to many scientists. But today the Dutch physiologist Johannes Kilstr successfully conducts similar experiments on animals, and they confirm the idea of ​​the Soviet astronaut Boris Egorov. The experimental mouse is pumped into the lungs special salted oxygen-rich liquid and then place the animal in a container of water where it cannot float on surface. And the mouse swims in the water like a fish, showing no panic attacks.

By the way, we note that even in the last century, such experiments were conducted in the USSR under the leadership of a candidate of medical sciences Vladlen Kozak. Apparently, from there the confidence about the success of the underwater Egorov’s swimming …

Dogs and cats breathe freely underwater, but what about humans?

But back to Johannes Kilstra’s lab. Soon the scientist did the same experiment on a dog. And again – full success!

A photo from open sources

And soon experiments showed that cats and many others animals can breathe calmly under water with lungs full special fluid. Moreover, cats in this experiment sometimes voluntarily swam like fish for hours, and then without any problems returned to the airy way of breathing.

All this was great, but that’s just the purpose of such an experiment. – not a cat or a dog, but a man. Is he capable of such breathing under the water. The first volunteer was a diver with twenty years of experience diving Frank Falechchik. Fearing the consequences the test subject was first filled with fluid with only one lung. But Frank felt so good that Johannes Kilster decided, in after all, on a full experiment. And he again failed!

Twenty learned doctors gathered that day to observe this miracle, everyone was closely watching Falechik. But he didn’t not the slightest sign of concern and even began to help scientists, recording all your feelings. Underwater, the diver spent several hours, again swimming like a fish, and calmly receiving oxygen from water through the lungs filled with a special fluid …

As Johannes Kilster, a man with filled light special solution can not only breathe under water, but and descend to great depths, at least, as he said once cosmonaut Egorov, at 500-700 meters without any problems. A maybe even more …

Step into the future – the race of underwater people

Is there something similar in Russia? There is, for example, in Sevastopol Now the laboratory for the study and application liquid breathing. And although this is certainly a step into the future, similar surveys both in our country and abroad are carried out first of all in the interests of the navy, and not with the goal of developing the World the ocean. That is the reality. And still…

A photo from open sources

Recall that the great French conqueror of the deep sea Jacques-Yves Cousteau, who even invented light scuba diving for these purposes, wrote that the time will come and humanity will lead a new race of people, who can live under water, build cities there and organize underwater civilization. The prophecies of the brave captain, like Soviet science fiction seems to be starting to come true. True life is like always makes its “little adjustments”: in order to live under with water, as it turned out, neither gills nor even hatching were needed some special race of underwater people. Everything is much simpler, not in vain the wise claimed that man was able to teleport, levitate, that is, move in space, fly … But, it turns out that he can still swim underwater like a fish. And apparently this is his quality in the near future will find the widest application, and, hopefully, not only in the military …

Water Cats Russia Fish Dogs

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