Scientists have reported victory over the most intractable cancer

Scientists have reported victory over the most intractable type of cancer.A photo from open sources

Israeli scientists have found a way to reduce cancer cells pancreas. This type of cancer considered one of the most intractable. Information about this published in the scientific publication Oncotarget.

Tests were conducted on mice. Scientists rooted in stricken a rodent cancer organism the PJ37 molecule that was able to destroy in pancreas up to 90% of tumor cells.

During the experiment, rodents introduced human cells tumors, and then the PJ37 molecule, which was already created by scientists ten years ago. This molecule was designed to protect nerve cells of people who have had a heart attack or a strong inflammatory process. 30 days after the introduction of a new the number of cancer cells decreased significantly.

Project Manager Professor Malka Cohen-Armon said that the developed molecule causes abnormal disruptions in the development process cancer cells, thereby destroying them. Important point in this the process is that the molecule only affects cancer cells, and does not affect healthy.

In the next stage, which will last two years, researchers will continue to test the drug on larger animals, and then in public.

Previously, scientists discovered a drug that is equally effective. from cancer and the AIDS virus.

Andrey Vetrov


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