Scientists may soon find a way to stop aging process

Scientists may soon find a way to stop the aging process.A photo from open sources

Using the genetic features of worm cells as an example working to create a way to help stop the process aging human cells.

If the experiment is successful, scientists can not only rejuvenate human cells, but also inhibit the aging process the entire body, thereby increasing the threshold of aging.

Two scientists from Northwestern University in Illinois (USA) during the experiments discovered a genetic switch in worm cells that allows you to disable destructive influences stress reactions and thereby protects the structure of tissue cells, maintaining the functioning of some very important proteins.

This switch turns on automatically when the worms reach their conditional age, which provides them longer and healthier lives. It is thanks to the principle scientists have a chance to provide this switch humanity is able to significantly increase the duration and quality of one’s life.

Researchers are sure that all of these mechanisms were originally laid in the cells of all living organisms, including humans. They just are in a “sleeping” state. Research results showed that in human body cells is also present a genetic switch that, when turned on, will protect our cells from aging, increasing their ability to resist stress.

As it turned out, puberty of worms occur on the eighth hour of their life, it is at this time that the protective genetic mechanism. And this happens immediately, and not gradually. And now the main goal facing scientists is unravel exactly which chemical processes include these protective cell mechanisms.

A life

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