A photo from open sources The total population of the Earth peak will reach – as much as 9.4 billion – by 2070, and by the end this century will fall to about 9 billion. Such data presented in a book created by a team of experts Austrian Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. The forecast takes into account various changes in the education of the entire population, and also its constant aging. Specialists of the Exchange Leader note that the authors first calculated the future population 195 states at once, not only by age and gender, but also by level his education. According to prominent demographers, the last factor in much is crucial. In a direct scenario rapid increase in the educational level of the population, growth the number of inhabitants on the planet by 2100 will reach 8 billion, and then completely stop. Otherwise, we can expect a peak in 10 billion. In this case, the intermediate scenario gives indicators in approximately 9 billion. Project Manager V. Lutz said that when women become more educated, they will certainly get more power for themselves to accept different reproductive decisions and determine their own family size, which practice almost always means fewer children. In addition, the authors books are sure that the current trend of population aging, obvious in Western Europe and Japan, will be established in other regions. Such calculations of demographers are fundamentally different from recent forecasts by UN experts (by 2100 to as many as 11 billion people). For example, in Nigeria, the UN predicted population growth from 160 to as much as 914 million, based on the fact that the current birth rate (an average of 6 children per 1 woman) will remain until the end of this century. Authors recently the submitted book stated that in Nigeria the coefficient fertility has already fallen to 5.5 children and will continue to fall due to increasing the rate of female education. Also in contrast the findings of the above Austrian Institute, the UN said that the planet’s population growth does not stabilize after 2050, and will certainly continue throughout the 21st century. Researchers in detail processed the latest submitted statistics of the Organization from July of this year. In their opinion, with an 80 percent probability the world’s population will grow from about 7.2 billion to whole 9.6-12.3 billion (by the end of this century). Prior to this, since the 90s years, among most demographers the prevailing opinion was that precisely after reaching the figure of 9 billion the number of inhabitants the planet is stabilizing or will begin to decline. The greatest growth, as already noted, is expected in Africa: its quantity residents will increase fourfold, from 1 to as much as 4 billion. A business lies in the fact that, contrary to the forecasts of many demographers, fertility on this continent is not falling. African families and further remain large in many cases due to acute shortages modern contraceptives. In addition, in Africa and mortality from HIV has declined. Well, on other continents, like they say in ON, the situation promises to remain more stable. Asia (today – 4.4 billion) will peak its growth in 2050 (about 5 billion), and then its population will start abruptly to shrink. The number of inhabitants of Europe, North and Latin America will be less than a billion (on each of the continents). Most Earth’s population – women. pic_d845a52ad1898a230505aa1ba9ecb6ea.jpgWomen’s planet is always there were more than men, say scientists from the famous Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology. M. Planck. In study to clarify the deep demographic history of all mankind used a new technique for extracting special genetic information. Foreign scientists compared inherited through the father Y-chromosome (NRY) with maternal DNA (mtDNA) immediately 623 men, who are representatives of the modern 51 people. It turned out that even before the migration of distant human ancestors from the African continent there were much more women in the Homo clan than men – and this pattern persisted throughout the long history. Perhaps the main reason for this polygyny (when one man often has sex with different women), as well as virilocality (after the official marriage, the wife immediately moves to her husband). As a result, the weaker sex of the planet’s population “gifted” more genes than strong. Before this genetics analyzed mtDNA and NRY using completely different methods, which is very difficult to compare, but German scientists have developed a unique a method for sequencing a Y chromosome. Thanks to this technique data on the ancestors of the female and male lines did not differ by quality, and it was easy to compare. Quite a few differences were identified at the regional level. For example, at Africans have much less genetic diversity from their father – apparently due to the expansion of the Bantu peoples to the southern and eastern region of the continent, which began 3 thousand years ago. In contrast, among the Indians of America, genetic diversity will be higher among female ancestors, as among the first inhabitants of the so-called New The light was dominated by women.
Africa DNA