A photo from open sources PHOTO: Youtube / wellcometrust When the body dies, an unusual glow spreads through it. A sensational discovery was made by scientists from the UK, they literally looked death in the face. When the body dies, an unusual glow spreads over it, Daily writes Mail A study conducted by experts from Research Council Wellcome Trust and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences, showed that when the body dies, in its the cells spread a blue glow. This was proved after of how scientists examined under the microscope of a dying worm. “We identified the chemical pathways of self-destruction that we see how blue light spreading over the body of the worm, “said research supervisor professor david james from london Institute of Aging. According to him, if you do not give a glow spread, death can be delayed. As scientists noted, the mechanisms of worm aging are similar to those that occur in the human body. This knowledge, experts hope, will help extend human life. “The experiment cast doubt on the theory of that aging is a consequence of the accumulation of molecular damage, – said James, – We should focus on biological processes that occur during aging and death, to understand how they could be slowed down or interrupted. ” last year, American psychologists made many reconsider your attitude to death. University of Missouri Specialists proved that thoughts of demise can improve health. Specialists conducted a thorough analysis of recent studies on this topic. They found many examples of experiments that indicate on the positive side of a natural death reminder. IN in particular, the observation of psychologist Matthew Gailliot in 2008 city, showed how much just being near the cemetery affects on people in terms of creation. This atmosphere increases the number of volunteers who want to help an outsider. “Researchers suggested that if cultural value was important to people, then increased attention to death will increase such constructive behavior, “said Kenneth Vale, lead author of a new study. Scientists have proved through experiments that a reminder of a possible death subconsciously provokes improve your lifestyle – smoke less, more move.
A life