Photo from open sources In Moscow, another tragedy is the death of a girl, who decided to take a winning photo against the backdrop of Moscow City. Scientists sound the alarm: selfies are becoming as addicted as all other drugs, and this addiction increasingly leads to tragedies. Can this bacchanalia be stopped?
Note, recently in Moscow this is the third death in fault selfies. The schoolboy who decided to act on high-altitude died building, but could not resist and falling, grabbed the bare wire under high voltage. The girl – an office worker – decided to withdraw from a gun, borrowing it from the guard, and inadvertently pressed the wrong button of your gadget, and on the trigger of a weapon that for some reason is not stood on the fuse. And such cases only multiply …
For thousands of people, especially young people, the desire to take a unique shot with his presence in him becomes so strong addiction that for this no one even thinks about the consequences of risky shots. For the sake of a unique photo or video people are ready to die from the horns of a tank or the claws of a predator, climb to various skyscrapers and skyscrapers, moreover, not paying attention to what insurance, hang over the abyss and so on. And all this in order to post a picture or video on the web and get thousands of views, or even millions of views. For instance, this is exactly what two friends achieved, having conquered the old, almost seven-meter Shanghai tower, and they had to not only to climb on it, but also to shoot yourself at the same time. All is good went well. But it doesn’t always happen this way …
Today, politicians and even ISS astronauts take selfies. Psychologists say that this addiction is not as harmless as It seems at first sight. On the one hand, a selfie seems to allow a person to establish himself or even just to avoid loneliness, and with the other makes him a fan completely dependent on this process. And as a result of this dependence, tragedies are increasingly occurring. Scientists urge to start the fight for a “safe selfie”, for example, introduce similar lessons in schools, and so on. And this is not for many seems funny …