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After death … life goes on? Scientists have proven: the soul really exists. Its density is 176 times less than the density air.
The issue of the existence of the soul tormented more than one generation of learned men. After all, the scientific approach to life did not cancel many of their faith in God, it just required not blind worship, but a search for evidence. Recently, one of the world’s largest pharmacological corporations. announced that her employees unequivocally proved the existence of the soul (we will not indicate the name of the company, so as not to make it superfluous advertising).
Spirit is material
Scientists had a different approach to the study of the essence of the soul. One our compatriot, professor Konstantin Korotkov, in St. Petersburg filmed the aura of the dying and proved that the glow continued after death, gradually fading away. Body as if turned into an inanimate object. And the aura spread in space. What proved: the energy shell lives longer organism.
Another Russian professor from Barnaul Pavel Goskov, several years ago managed to prove the presence of every soul, unique, like fingerprints.
“All world religions are sure: every person has a soul, – told the scientist. – But no one has ever managed to touch her, if not with hands, then at least with appliances. We were the first to do a series experiments that convincingly prove the presence of a person except the physical body of a certain energy-informational substance. ”
Scientists called the method “materialization of the soul.” A kind of butterfly net with the help of which Goskov captured the manifestations of the human soul, there was plain water. This substance is the most amazing thing in The universe. She is able to record any information, changing her structure. The essence of the experiment: scientists put purified any effects of water for 10 minutes next to the person and then investigated its structure. They did hundreds of such experiments if not a thousand times and they proved: changes were necessary, each new tester, the water changed in its own way, while the structure of the same person was repeated.
To the scales!
But modern scientists working on the money of the very world pharmaceutical corporations (they conducted experiments in several countries and had international composition, including immigrants from Russia), decided repeat on a modern basis a different experience. He spent in 1906 Duncan McDougall: He weighed the terminally ill (mostly tuberculosis) and revealed: at the time of death, each subject sharply decreased in weight by exactly 21 grams. Then the opponents tried prove: the cause of this weight loss in certain oxidative processes, occurring in the body of the dying. But modern researchers, conducting the same experiments (modern science allows them not to put the unfortunate dying on the scales, and measure the changes remotely), proved with a 100% guarantee: after death a person “loses weight” precisely by 21 grams.
Moreover, continuing the research, scientists saw with instruments that a certain person flows from the body of the deceased substance.
By taking brain encephalograms of seven dying patients, doctors discovered powerful bursts of electrical impulses such as these there were no people before death approached.
“We regard these effects as a concentration of activity an organism fighting for life, – explained Elena Sharova, “AIF”, electrophysiologist, doctor of biological sciences. – Maybe, the subcortical structures of the brain that control breathing are activated, cardiac activity, maintaining body temperature. To speak about the separation of the soul from the body in me, repeatedly observed dying brain activity, no reason. ”
“Even Heraclitus in the VI century BC assumed: the human soul consists of some rare kind of matter like air and fire, – says Professor Micah Rife about the experiment, department of one of the medical centers of Tel Aviv. -Today we know: the substance released consists of extremely small and atoms separated from each other, whose density is 176.5 times less than air. And it seems that this dark substance is not stored in a particular organ – say, in the heart – but evenly envelops a person. There is still a lot of research ahead. But we are sure that really weighed the soul or some other life substance. There is only one conclusion: the existence of a soul is proved. ”
Expert Opinion
A photo from open sources
Mikhail Dudko, Archpriest, Assistant of the Assumption Cathedral in London:
– From the point of view of a believing Christian, all scientific evidence of the existence of God or soul is superfluous and meaningless. For us, of course, the main sources of faith in eternal life are the scriptures.
Immortal life is the subject of faith, and faith is the main thing Christian virtue. Besides the scriptures, there are testimonies of those people who visited the afterlife, and then have returned.
We do not reject this evidence of clinical death. But no posthumous experiences can tell in detail about what awaits a person outside of earthly life. This item revelation, the subject of faith.
Julia Tutina
Water Life Russia