Scientists told how much plastic eats human

Scientists told how much plastic a person eatsPhoto from open sources

Every year, about 73 thousand particles of plastic are in human digestive tract. It is reported by the Daily. Mail, pointing to research by an international team of experts.

During the study, scientists around the world collected samples stool. The results showed that in human feces per 10 grams weight is about 20 the smallest particles of plastic.

Scientists have calculated that if an average adult human volume of stool per day is about 100 grams, then in it It turns out about 200 particles of microplastic.

The most common stool samples were polypropylene. and polyethylene terephthalate, most often used in packaging drinks and food. The rest of the plastic turns out in the human body when eating food, for example, seafood – fish, crustaceans, etc.

According to an as yet unconfirmed opinion of experts, plastic accumulates chemicals harmful to the body, and the most small particles can even enter the circulatory system organism.

WHO in August 2019 stated that found in drinking microplastic (larger than 150 microns) does not harm water the body. However, smaller particles and nanoparticles are capable of absorbed into the body and through the bloodstream move through it.

Earlier ESOREITER talked about discovered plastic in tap water around the world. Scientists have found that 83% of drinking the water that flows from the taps of the inhabitants of the entire planet contains microplastic.

Andrey Vetrov

Water Plastic

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