A photo from open sources
Despite the fact that a person is used to getting certain the pleasure of eating, American scientists wondered question: how to make this process even more enjoyable? Eventually researchers have identified a direct link between the ways we eat, and the amount of pleasure from our meals. Specialists conducted several experiments, during one of which they asked subjects to try the same dishes, but in different ways.
For example, first, a hungry person was given to eat by everyone known popcorn hands, as is customary everywhere. Then when given the individual got hungry again, he was offered the same popcorn, however, this time it was necessary to use it with Chinese chopsticks. Of course, the second way is much less convenient, but this is surprising: according to the subject, this allowed him to get more pleasure from the meal than when he ate popcorn with his hands. Study authors concluded that exotic and non-standard ways of using food bring more pleasant sensations.
Thus, you can try to diversify your own meals, slightly changing the way it is consumed. Let’s say eat pizza with a knife and fork. Drink tea through a straw. Pour the soup into the mug. Or drink in the morning milk in the bite with dry flakes. Everything is limited only by your imagination. By the way, any the psychologist will confirm to you that it is advisable for a person to strive for diversity in their daily routine to maintain mental equilibrium. For this, it is considered necessary at least once every rearrange furniture in the house for several months; change once a year Wallpaper, curtains, and so on.
Variety in eating is the easiest way to make your life is more interesting and enjoyable. By the way, people most often in this plan go a more complex way, trying to diversify their dishes table, although in principle it’s enough to eat and drink every time in a special way – with fiction and an original approach …