Scientists: Venice will cease in the coming years Existence

Scientists: Venice will cease to exist in the coming yearsA photo from open sources

More recently, the most powerful the last fifty years a flood. Residents and visitors of the city reported the fact that most of the city is flooded by almost 1 meter. there is areas where the level of flooding was even higher. For instance, Significant damage was done to St. Mark’s Square, which went under water, with which the cathedral itself suffered.

According to local authorities, the cause of this flooding a recent heavy rainfall appeared. However, researchers are not agree with this statement, since they believe that Venice began to go under water and this process will not stop.

A photo from open sources

Scientists refer to the processes of global warming, in connection with how the water level in the oceans rises, and Venice will the first city in Europe to cease to exist in the next decade.

Climatologists believe that in 8-10 years, Venice will simply be it’s impossible to live, and its inhabitants will be hastily evacuated to other areas of Italy. By 2100, Venice can only be learned from history books.

Experts note acceleration of flooding processes at the end of 20 century. Each year, the water level rose by 5 millimeters, but in In recent years, this process has accelerated markedly.

Climatologists previously reported disappearing due to global Warming in the Pacific Islands.

Andrey Vetrov

Water Global Warming

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