Scientists warn of the dangers of artificial intelligence

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Many eminent scientists of the world warn that it should not be allowed in order for artificial intelligence to get out of human control. Artificial intelligence has enormous potential in order to make our daily life much easier and more comfortable. However if it becomes uncontrollable, it can be a huge threat to society. Therefore Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk and dozens other leading scientists signed a warning letter about the potential dangers of developing artificial intelligence (AI). Although the letter primarily advertises the benefits of AI, it while time warns of possible risks of artificial mind. “Because of the huge potential of artificial intelligence, it’s important learn how to take advantage of it, ” says a letter that was published on the Institute’s website Life. “The letter says that artificial intelligence, created by man, must do what man wants, and not its carriers are robots. Scientists are unanimous that progress AI development can have a huge impact on future fate of humanity. The potential benefits of a smart machine are simply are huge, and you need to direct the development of AI to bring real benefits to society as a whole. This is not the first time that scientists are trying to draw public attention to the danger which may conceal the possibilities of artificial intelligence. IN December 2014, Hawking announced that intelligence development robots can ultimately mean the end of the human race. IN Last October, Hawking told Massachursky’s audience Institute of Technology, that AI poses a big threat to itself the existence of humanity. However, research in the field of AI development continues. So, in 2014, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and actor Ashton Kutcher jointly invested $ 40 million in Vicarious PFU – a company that is working on the creation artificial brain. Obviously, scientists will continue to strive learn the secrets of artificial intelligence in an attempt to put the mind machines benefit humanity however how smart robots will be safe for us, their creators, and to what extent they will be observe parity between submission to a person and his awareness uselessness for the autonomous evolution of AI, time will tell.

Time Life Artificial Intelligence Robots Stephen Hawking

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