A photo from open sources through genetic engineering will appear the most smart people who have ever lived on the planet. Such a new scientific study published by a scientist from the University of Michigan Stephen Hsu. Nobel laureate and one of the founders of the great school Soviet physics Lev Landau distinguished scientists on a mental scale of 1 up to 5. So, according to these measurements, the first-level physicist possessed ten times more influential than the physicist of the second, and so on. Himself Leo Landau modestly defined himself at level 2.5, and only to at the end of his life he moved to the second level. On the first level, Landau stood Heisenberg, Bohr and Dirac, as well as several other scientists with world names. Einstein Landau set at the stage of 0.5. At the same time according to the vice president of the University of Michigan for research work and professors of theoretical physics Stephen Hsu, now genetic engineering has advanced far forward and now able to create super smart people who can give odds even to eminent scientists. “Genetic research cognitive abilities indicate that today exist varieties of human DNA that, if ideal combinations can lead to the emergence of personalities with intelligence qualitatively higher than everything that existed on earth before. Roughly speaking, if you think in terms of the Landau scale, we are talking about people with an IQ of the order of a thousand points, “says an article by Stephen Hsu, who is also Scientific Advisor to BGI (Beijing Institute of Genomics), published by Nautilus. It used to be submit only on pages of fantastic works. So in Daniel Keyes’ novel, Flowers for Algernon, The Mentally Retarded the main character named Charlie Gordon is involved in the surgical an experiment to bring it below average intelligence at a high quality a new level, as a result of which its IQ increases from 60 to 200. From the working bakery, above which in the open, without a shadow embarrassment, friends making fun, Gordon in an instant without any effort turns into a superintelligent person, understanding and capable scientifically sound analysis of many hidden connections in the world. “Now I live at the very peak of clarity and beauty, of existence which I didn’t suspect, ”writes Charlie. Firework ideas explode in the head. There is no greater enjoyment in the world … It is truth, love and beauty fused together. It is a pleasure. How can i give up all this? Life and work are better than this man may have nothing. The answers are already inside of me, and soon, very soon they will break into my brain. “However, according to the American scientist, in the future we can confidently say that this kind of incredible mental ability will be much exceed the maximum intelligence of any of the 100 billion people ever living on earth. “We can imagine abilities major scientists who will be at their maximum be present all at once and with one person. It’s almost perfect reproduction of images and speech, ultrafast thinking and calculations, powerful geometric visualization, and in higher measurements, the ability to simultaneously and simultaneously perform many analytical and mental actions. This list can continue. Charlie Gordon, but squared, “writes Stephen Hsu. Between the hypothesis of mental superpowers of man caused multiple disputes and discussions in the scientific community. So laureate Nobel Prize physicist Richard Feynman claims that being a student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he always tried to avoid the study of humanities and “tried get out. “” I was only interested in science, I no longer have it turned out nothing, “Feyman admitted. He tried to convince colleagues that it’s impossible to grasp the immensity: physicists often not subject to lyrics and vice versa. However, supporters of the hypothesis of people of genius do not hide that, probably, the supermind is a matter distant vague prospects, but in the near future we may expect even smaller, but still important discoveries. Large datasets about human genomes and their phenotypes – physical and mental characteristics of a person – essentially expand our understanding of the genetic code. “When will appear forecast models, they can be used in reproduction. This and embryo selection (selection of a fertilized egg for implantation), and active genetic modifications. In the first In the case of parents, choosing one of a dozen eggs, they can increase the intelligence coefficient of your child by 15 or more points. Egg genotyping is technically pretty good mastered, and now it remains only to develop an integrated phenotype prediction for embryo selection. Cost of this operations will be lower than fees for many private kindergartens, and consequences for a person will be for life, and for him descendants, “summed up Stephen Hsu.
DNA Time Life