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Scottish scientists recently proved that reduce speed light is quite possible. Their successful experiment showed: the speed of photons can be slowed down with the help of special lenses.
Recall that the speed of light in a vacuum is 300 thousand kilometers per second. However, in other environments, photons behave a little differently. For example, in glass they slow down their run, and much.
Based on this fact, Scottish scientists have created special masks from lenses and managed to significantly reduce the crazy speed photons. Moreover, having passed such a mask, the particles changed their spatial structure, continuing at a slower speed move already in a vacuum. Thus, scientists from Scotland real deceleration of the speed of light at 19 lengths of light achieved waves, “The Irish Times reports.
Researchers say that this approach can be successfully apply not only to light, to almost any wave, say to the same sound. Scottish scientists are enthusiastic now to achieve a complete stop of the speed of light. It will even give an opportunity to travel in time. Theoretically, it is possible, wrote about it Einstein, practically, as they say, will wait and see.