A photo from open sources
Social network users can now independently diagnose your health (including mental state) using a special computer program.
Such an application was developed by scientists from the University of Rochester. For determine the state of your health to a user of a social network just have a webcam and install the program in question on your PC or laptop. You no longer need the usual ones in this case. complex sensors and paramedics, the application will fix itself all those changes that occur in your emotional state, reactions to events, capturing even the slightest fluctuations in skin color, pupil size, blinking frequency, and so on. On the based on all these data using modern analysis (based on programs put the experience of numerous diagnostics and observations human) the application accurately produces a conclusion about the physical and the mental state of a person.
The development has already been tested on many volunteers and has proven itself. quite worthy, because it easily and accurately defined various emotional states of users and based on this gave out accurate health conclusions.
True, scientists do not want to stop at this stage of their surveys, rightly believing that their current program is not yet can determine a person’s feelings, for example, joy, anger, wonder what prevents even more accurate diagnosis health.