Seven-year-old British schoolgirl Alma Deutscher is wonderful plays the piano and violin and is already composing operas. All this she makes it so professional that classic lovers music compares Alma with Mozart.
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The girl has her own YouTube channel, and among her fans includes the famous actor, television and radio host, writer Stephen Fry, who is very good at music. It is he in his Twitter called the girl “the new Mozart.”
Alma Deutscher is the daughter of scientists, her father is an amateur flutist. Already in for two years she could name all the keys on the piano. On your Alma received a violin as a gift for her third birthday, and already through year, the girl played Handel’s sonatas.
In addition to being a child prodigy, Deutscher turned out to be also a composer. At the beginning of this year, Alma Deutscher wrote a short opera, The Dream Cleaner, by poetry by Elizabeth Edlington, which for some technical reasons did not make it to the final of the competition for young composers and performers organized UK National Opera House.
YouTube channel of the girl where videos of her performance are laid out classics and own works, has already collected 85 thousand views and about 300 subscribers. “I want people to know how I play,” – Alma told reporters, adding that when she gets older she wants to “compose like Mozart, play the violin, like Perlman, and on the piano is like the Barenboim. ”
The father of a child prodigy notes what his daughter is doing in her Ages are no less complicated things than Mozart. However he prefers do not make forecasts: “only the future will show.”
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart began writing music at the age of five years. He played his compositions to father Leopold and he wrote them down. Behind his short 35-year life the brilliant composer wrote more 600 pieces.