Several ways to strengthen your organization

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The cold season is in full swing. How to improve immunity not with pills, but improvised ways? American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine published a list of measures that, according to research, strengthen immunity is best. True, the quick effect of this prevention is difficult to wait, you need to deal with it for at least a month. At this useful action is summarized, that is, the more measures you accept at the same time, the more serious the effect will be. So what is worth to do? 4–5 times a week to eat berries First of all wild: blueberries, blueberries, cranberries, lingonberries, raspberries, blackberries, cloudberries, wild rose. As well as the mountain ash familiar to everyone as aronia, so red. In wild berries, a huge amount of active substances – flavonoids. Studies show that in human they are actively used in the body to fight viruses and harmful bacteria. Many berries are not needed, literally half a handful a day, not only fresh but also dried, frozen or soaked. The main thing is not to cook them and not to expose other heat processed since it destroys flavonoids. Every day eat protein foods Many women take vitamins and minerals or other biologically active substances and at the same time neglect protein. But it is from it that the immune bodies that protect us from colds and viruses. It is necessary to eat 0.8–1 g of protein per 1 kg per day body weight. Leaders in usefulness and digestibility – eggs and dairy products (cottage cheese), followed by beef, pork, fish and chicken. Soy, peas and other plant sources of protein are found in The last place for benefits for immunity. Walking in the fresh air for half an hour five times a week Dress accordingly weather – and forth, in the rain or snow. The main thing is to be around park or square, not a gas-polluted urban area. As researchers cite runners and dog owners as examples who go out every day without fear of dampness or frost. According to statistics, these people have acute respiratory infections diseases by 43% less than hiding from bad weather couch. Go to the pool 2-3 times a week. We have traditionally it is believed that the pool is the path to the common cold. But immunologists do not agree with this and consider that the pool Is a form of hardening. Active movement in the water exerts on airway effect similar to the effect of breathing exercises. And the very presence of the body in water is an analogue of gentle hardening, which does not plunge the immune system into stress, but rather strengthens her. Colds in connection with the pool are due to that people do not dry their heads well and dress incorrectly before exit from the locker room. In the cold season after the pool dress warmer than for an ordinary exit from the house. Perform qigong or tai chi breathing exercises techniques that develop deep breathing, including therapeutic. Physiologists have received data that if you do such gymnastics 3-4 once a week, the risk of respiratory diseases is reduced by 37%. During breathing exercises (as, incidentally, when walking on fresh air) accelerates blood circulation in the mucous membrane nasopharynx, larynx, bronchi. This activates local immunity, and trying to penetrate the body pathogenic microbes are quickly destroyed. In addition, the mucosa it is better cleared of pollution.

Viruses Water Time

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