Photo from open sources
Today on the Internet it’s enough to type a query like “How attract luck, “and they’ll literally sprinkle on you (like from a horn abundance) thousands of tips on how to do this. Involuntarily arises question: why are so many losers left?
There are several reasons for this. Firstly, people do not believe in everything These are numerous recommendations of psychologists. Secondly, these recommendations in most cases are too complicated for most people. And thirdly, the average person, as a rule, wants results already on the second day. And since this does not happen, he will soon abandons this business and continues to live as he lived before, that is – gray loser.
But you still try, especially since the proposed method attracting luck is the easiest. You only need to learn to comply two things: rejoice at everything that happens to you (even the bad) and constantly thank the world for this. That is, you ALWAYS need to live in gratitude and joy. Yes, it’s not easy at first, so there’s the third condition is to learn to fulfill the first two as quickly as possible. IN ideally, this should happen instantly. You live, rejoice and give thanks to the world – everything. And the world answers you the same – rejoices for you and rewards you with countless successes.
The world is a mirror!
A photo from open sources
If you want positive changes to happen in your life as fast as possible, increase the energy of your body. After all will depend on the energy of your intention. But the spirit and body are one! This, moreover, does not hurt both in terms of health and in terms of preservation (or even restoration) of youth.
To get started, add as many fresh fruits as possible to your diet. and vegetables and greens too. And secondly, get serious with your body. There’s great joint gymnastics for this. M.Norbekova (see video). Just do not forget the main thing: the world – it is a mirror. Therefore, it is necessary to eat and do exercises for the body with joy and gratitude. Remember the words of the song Little Raccoon from cartoon: share your smile – and she will come to you more than once will return. It is said how true …