Photo from open sources For those who want to quit smoking, very often offer switch to electronic cigarettes, which, according to marketers, an excellent substitute for traditional tobacco products. As advertising suggests, such cigarettes are not addictive and absolutely harmless to human health. Being peculiar an inhaler that mimics the smoking process, they say, they can help man to get rid of a bad habit forever by serving him faithfully while weaning from nicotine smoke.
But is everything really simple, and how many people do you know who quit smoking with electronic cigarettes? IN in reality, cases when smokers get rid of harmful habits using this device are almost single. To to understand what exactly are marketers cheating on us, you need to know what is the effect of electronic cigarettes based on.
Unlike conventional, electronic emit nicotine is not in the process burning tobacco, and when evaporating liquids. You probably already realized that electronic cigarettes still emit harmful substances, no matter how we were convinced by the opposite. No wonder no one does not quit smoking after use: these products cause the same addiction and dependence as the whole tobacco products.
University of California scientists conduct research to which was to find out exactly what harm is done to naive smokers e-Sigs. Specialists found that in the liquid on which the device operates is added purified nicotine is much more dangerous for human health, than the one that regular smokers inhale. It turns out that get rid of bad habits by replacing traditional cigarettes electronic, impossible.
Also, scientists conducted an experiment involving one hundred and fifty volunteers who want to quit smoking forever. Nicotine replacement therapy using electronic cigarettes almost no results, which was to be expected. Electronic a cigarette, as it turned out, “helped” quit smoking only one to man. Yes, and this fact is doubtful, since quit so badly wanted to get rid of this bad habit that, most likely, he would stop poisoning himself without an electronic nipple.
The proposed video is very vividly and convincingly shown (albeit not on cigarettes, such specifics simply could not be found), like us marketers are deceiving, and so brazenly that you wonder! AND so in everything, mind you …