Vladimir scientist Gennady SHVETSOV claims that our the planet is undergoing another stage of its global transformation. About frequent disasters – earthquakes, floods, hurricanes …
Tomsk Polytechnic graduate Gennady Shvetsov came to science due to interest in the outside world and extraordinary health. And, as he himself believes, – the unshakable consciousness other people’s hypotheses and authorities in science. He, for example, is convinced that Darwin’s theory of evolution is not just a delusion, but a considerable evil. Back in the 90s, Shvetsov made a discovery in the field of fundamental science, or rather – at the junction of several sciences: physics, physiology, cybernetics, biology and mathematics. This is the Shvetsov pendulum. We asked Gennady Andreyevich to tell about this. Live compass Photo from open sources – It all started in 1986, when I read the book by Gleb GOLUBEV Unsolved secrets. Me interested in the fact: a small bird nests in Alaska – golden plover that winters in the Hawaiian Islands. Every year she flies north to breed, breaking about 4 thousand kilometers. Imagine a bird flying low over the ocean 40 hours without sleep and rest, sometimes in continuous fog. Always returns to its own nest. Means migratory birds have a unique system that allows high-precision (to centimeters!) global navigation – without external landmarks, actually blind. By the way, this phenomenon interested scientists since times of Aristotle, but science could not come to a consensus – There were many hypotheses, each subsequent refuted the previous one. I am reasoned like this: a bird needs a navigation system, anyone animal only in the process of movement. If the animal is not moves, then this system must be turned off so as not to interfere his. So, it is the very process of moving living objects and should trigger the mechanism of spatial orientation and navigation. And then I examined the interaction of the wave-like process movement of birds with near-Earth gravitational space. It turns out that regardless of the direction of movement of the bird, its body performs strictly oriented vibrations in space in true geographic direction East-West. Disclosed law and the mechanism of wave spatial orientation is valid for all animal species, this is their live compass. Studies have indicated how exactly should a live compass be arranged, where and how is it located in the body of the animal. I saw him in the pictures of anatomical cuts of birds. This is the most complex and most perfect orientation mechanism. in birds is in the vestibular apparatus. Natalya Maksimova, vlad.aif.ru: – Excuse me, Gennady Andreyevich, but what, nobody is up to you did not see this body? Gennady Shvetsov: – Anatomists and physiologists, Of course, we saw all parts of the live compass and even the navigation system as a whole, but could not explain their purpose. Where from we? NM: – And why didn’t you please Darwin? Of course, doubts about the validity of his theory has long walked in the minds. But you are taken prove not only its failure, but also harmfulness. G.SH .: – To study this problem, knowledge about spatial orientation of animals. According to its laws, this system is a person does not work, it is initially absent from him, since turned out to be incompatible with the structure of the human body. I I perceive this as the intention of the Creator, or the Higher Mind, if want to. For an animal to become human, it was necessary to deprive him this function, and immediately. But in order to exist, he had to look for food and be able to return to your home. So he appears forced motivation: solve the problem of spatial orientation only with the help of the mind, studying the world. This is not an animal you need to remember nothing – as soon as it runs, swims, flew, it immediately turns on the autonomous navigation system. On how a person actually appeared, it just infers disclosure of the law and the mechanism of spatial orientation. First a man appeared on Earth right away with his function turned off spatial orientation. And this is the only (but very significant!) the difference between a person and an animal. His parent was two-legged creature – a beastman with this function acted perfectly. So in nature, the law and mechanism for the phased construction of man and all types of animals. A it is no longer evolution. N.M .: – But Darwin claims that species animals transform gradually, under the influence of change Wednesday … G.Sh .: – Nothing of the kind. First moving living creatures immediately had an orientation function, and to perfection. And without it, they could not exist. And these facts ruin before foundations of the theory of evolution of Lamarck and Darwin, all its modern modifications, deny evolutionary processes themselves – both in living and and inanimate nature. As it turned out, no intermediate links there is no between man and his ancestor, they are meaningless. Open mechanism of a phased process of building living organisms mounted in the body in all species of animals and plants and acted with the moment of their origin in the simplest form. Now about the theory of evolution Darwin, set forth by him in Origin of Species by natural selection, the 150th anniversary of which has recently been celebrated. Darwin pushed in her from the writings of an English priest and economist Malthusa Experience on the law of population about the struggle of man for his existence in the conditions of the formation of capitalism, overpopulation and limited livelihoods. He also drew attention to the doctrine of artificial selection, which was carried out person in agriculture for new breeds of domestic animals and new plant varieties. As a result of simple addition of these processes created by the human mind, Darwin transferred them on the animal and plant world, arguing that similar intraspecific struggle for existence is a decisive factor generally accepted biological progress. I believe that the theory of evolution Darwin, raised to the rank of modern fundamental science universal law of the universe, has done great harm to our civilization. After all, she scientifically substantiated the path to hostility, wars, hatred between nations, religions and people, declaring a struggle for personal existence, that is, selfishness in any of its manifestations, development engine. And so young people, our children, are becoming hostages of this primitive, very dangerous worldview and lifestyle leading nowhere to destruction. On the doorstep … N.M .: – It is reported on the Internet that you explained the reasons today’s natural disasters. It’s true? G.Sh .: – The law and the mechanism of the phased process of constructing living objects, about which we said, apply to the entire system of the universe – the sun and the planet. This means that in each of the objects of this system there is the internal mechanism of their periodic transformation – with the transition to a whole new level. This is the phenomenon of periodic global transformation of our planet. Our planet didn’t happen during the so-called self-development, or evolution, as we were taught, and as a result of a focused process of its phased construction.
Photo from open sources According to these laws, our planet together with its inhabitants is already on the verge of the onset of the next transient global transformation. Speaks about it activation of all geophysical processes and phenomena occurring both inside the planet’s body and in the outer shells, with increasing their speed – which we now observe, for example, on Amure. So all disasters occur according to plan. Conversion planets in a new form will be accompanied by the strongest earthquakes, volcanic activity, tsunamis, hurricanes, are global in nature. Unfortunately, powerful geophysical processes can trigger all types of warheads, including nuclear, and their burial places, nuclear stations will begin to explode, oil pipelines and enterprises producing hazardous to life products. It seems to people that the Earth is behaving unusually, and all incomprehensible becomes the source of all fables – about the end light, for example. Instead, we should consider working together to prevent global catastrophe – destruction by man (in the result of his own activity) of the most life-producing planet Land. Gennady Andreyevich Shvetsov was born in 1946. Physical engineer, physiologist, candidate of biological sciences, full member of the European Academy of Natural Sciences, author scientific discovery “Gravity-inertial wave mechanism high-precision spatial orientation of animals. “Worked Head of Systems Research spatial orientation in FSUE “State Laser Center “Rainbow”. The author of more than 100 scientific publications. His discovery helps in the development of a fundamentally new type of technology that does not have analogues in the world.
Earthquake Life Birds Plants Evolution