Siberian scientists tested “tablets from old age “

Siberian scientists tested on themselvesPhotos from open sources

When scientists realized the safety level of the drug, they began to use it on themselves, including one of the creators of G5 – an employee of the Research Institute of Pharmacology SB RAMS (Tomsk) Gleb Zyuzkov. Siberian scientists, without waiting for clinical trials, they tested the developed drug for treatment toxic cirrhosis of the liver, better known as a “pill from old age “; developers claim that they got a positive a result that met all expectations, the director said Agent Future Management Drug Development Company Andrey Bekarev.

New drug – a joint project of Novosibirsk specialists company and Tomsk Research Institute of Pharmacology. According to Bekarev, official clinical trials of the drug with the participation of volunteers should begin in November, and the drug will be delivered to pharmacies through some years.

Invented and cured

The drug G5, which the media dubbed the “pill for old age,” Andrei Bekarev prefers to call the drug regenerative medicine, since its main property is to return to the body recovery function. The drug increases the release of stem cells that contribute to the restoration of organs and tissues. it The property was discovered by scientists almost by accident.

“When we created the drug, he had a different goal, he used in combination with cytokines (regulators of immune responses), we had data that you can significantly reduce the dosage of these drugs in the treatment. When the principle of operation was described of the drug, it became clear that it could have more effects, “- Bekarev said.

When scientists realized the safety level of the drug, they started apply it on yourself, including the medicine used by one of the creators of G5 – an employee of the Research Institute of Pharmacology in Tomsk Gleb Zyuzkov.

“Another employee of the research institute had a rather serious illness, which traditionally has no treatment methods, some adhesions processes, and he received a full recovery. But a single result gives nothing, static sampling is needed, “said the director developer company.

Photos from open sources

Cirrhosis pill

According to the developers, preclinical trials of the drug in animals have shown that G5 can cure such a common and intractable disease like toxic liver cirrhosis. At the mice that were injected with the drug fully restored cells the liver.

“The drug has a broader effect, but for registration one reading is selected, because if you declare ten readings, you’ll be testing for a hundred years, “Bekarev explained.

The interlocutor specified that the choice of cirrhosis is associated with the opportunity in this case to quickly release the medicine to the market. IN in November, developers will complete preclinical trials, then will send documents with the results of studies to the Ministry of Health, and only when the agency issues a permit, scientists will begin clinical trials.

“According to the optimistic scenario, clinical trials will leave from one and a half to two years, in real – three to five years. It all depends on conditions presented by the Ministry of Health, “Bekarev believes. According to him according to probably the medicine will be in pill form or capsules, its cost will depend on the volume of release. “We will try to make it inexpensive, “the developer promised.

“Side effects”

Scientists discovered during preclinical trials of a drug some “side effects” that may be the subject of future research.

“In tests for embryonic toxicity, as the drug affects the course of pregnancy, we got curious result. A high dose of the drug is usually given, already fertilized eggs in the mouse sit down, then they look, how much survived. Nearly 100% of transplanted eggs have developed, grown to adult mice, “- said the interlocutor of the agency.

Scientists decided that an error had occurred and repeated the experiment. The results were confirmed, and in the future the G5 is supposed to be investigated. as a medicine for the restoration of reproductive functions.

Another scientific experiment of Siberians became a sensation, for the results of which the media called the medicine “an old-age pill.” According to Bekarev, rodents of 12 months of age were divided into control and experimental group. The experimental group was dripped in the mouth a drug.

“From the age of 18 months there has been a significant difference between with mice. More than 30% of the control group died of old age, all mice had signs of aging: baldness, arthrosis of the legs, weight loss, a change in blood biochemistry … The experimental group had a body weight of two times higher than the control, rodents showed no signs of aging, blood biochemistry was consistent with healthy mouse analysis, “- he said.

The experiment was completed when the experimental group of mice lived more than 21 months. Scientists decided to re-experiment, already having documented it not as a scientific experiment, but as an official one study.

Despite the incredible results, Andrei Bekarev emphasizes that he’s not going to launch the “old-age pill” on the market, since human drug tests in this capacity may take a hundred years.

Moreover, according to the entrepreneur, there are many theories aging. “Rather, the G5 can improve the quality of life, rather than extend her. Not only stem cells are responsible for aging, “- said Bekarev.

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