Emma and Stacy Picken suffer from rare genetic a disease that makes their skin grow six times faster Photo from open sources PHOTO: whatsonshenzhen.com Emma and Stacy Picken in a year lose almost 2 kg of skin, which grows in six times faster than ordinary people. For cosmetic treatments sisters leave more than two hours a day. In addition, girls do not sweat, so they are forced to hide from the sun in the shade. “For in order to get rid of painful itching, we are forced daily apply a huge amount of cream to the skin, – quotes the 19-year-old Emma Daily Mail. – In the house we have to vacuum all the time, cleaning the remains of the skin, and the washing machine constantly fails due to cream, which impregnates clothes. “Emma believes that she is very lucky: she has a sister who understands her and knows through what walks her pass. Mom and dad girls are carriers of the gene lamellar ichthyosis – a rare genetic disease that found in one person out of 600 thousand. Even if the DNA of both parents contain the genes for this disease, only one in four their children will be born sick, therefore the birth of sisters with ichthyosis is extremely rare.
A photo from open sources
A photo from open sources
Failure in the genome leads to violations of the keratinization process of the upper layers of the skin, as well as its enhanced growth. According to experts, each sister sheds about 4 pounds of skin per year (1.8 kilogram). The bodies of the girls immediately after birth were covered tough scales, the situation improves with age, and the skin gets cleaner, but sisters still have to often take a shower and use a huge amount of cream to protect the skin from cracking. Another problem is that the Picken sisters are practically not sweating. During the summer heat you have to hide from the sun, and also apply to the skin sunscreen. “They constantly laughed at us at school, – says 17-year-old Stacy. But we still willingly tell people about their illness, to help them better understand people like us. ” Lamellar ichthyosis is not the hardest variety ichthyosis. Harlequin ichthyosis causes far more problems, due to whose skin becomes like a shell. It is believed that with such diagnosed until adolescence survive units despite all the effort and the tremendous amount of time it takes to skin care. For example, 18-year-old Hunter Steinitz looks like as if she were badly burned. Her whole body is covered with a thick crust, the skin is constantly cracking, making it seem like a girl covered with scales like a fish. Due to the fact that the skin has become too thick, hunter cannot completely close his eyes and bend his fingers on hands.
Alexander MATYASH
DNA Time Sun