The Lunnitsa charm helps exclusively women. This talisman has long been considered girlish, so modern residents of megacities or small cities can count on the help of higher powers.
The value of the amulet
In shape, the Lunnitsa charm resembles two objects at once. The first symbol, the kokoshnik, is a headdress that has adorned the beauties of Russia since time immemorial. This element of the traditional female costume indicates protection from evil.
If such an adornment was worn by an unmarried girl, then this meant her safety due to the power of purity. The integrity and patronage of a father or elder brother – all this created a strong defense against shame and slander from others.
Expert Opinion Yuna Khatun A divine fortune teller The higher powers protected women from powerful evil eyes or evil influence. If the kokoshnik was worn by a married woman, then her husband and his family patronized her. Other pagan Gods took care of the ladies' honor and well-being, but their protection was no less strong.
Another symbol that resembles Lunnitsa is the celestial month. This luminary has always been associated with the beginning of something new. The full moon gave way to a narrow crescent in the sky, just as the old page of life is replaced by a clean one. Also, the young month symbolizes natural beauty, mysterious and alluring attractiveness.
The meaning of the Slavic amulet of Lunnitsa combined these meanings. This amulet became the patron saint of female values: self-sufficiency, fortitude, family, marriage and humility. In addition, it allows the girl to find her own individual beauty, complemented by protection and purity, which does not require cosmetics or expensive jewelry.
Types of amulet
The value of Lunnitsa for women depends on the type of amulet. There have long been several options for the amulet:
- Metal. Such a Lunnitsa is useful for women who must be persistent. Despite adversity, the lady will be able to find the strength to move in the right direction. Neither negative influences nor bad habits can entice her. The owner of the amulet will cope with all the problems, thereby showing the strength of her spirit and setting an example for younger girls and girls.
- From precious metals. The owner of such an amulet will be able to succeed. Her personal life will suddenly improve, conflicts with a partner will no longer bother the lady. Career growth is stabilizing, with each new achievement, the income and status of women will increase. All this will have a positive effect on the self-esteem and emotional state of the fair sex.
- Wooden. Such a female amulet is primarily the protector of the family. No matter how many difficulties in a lady's life and how insurmountable they are, she will always have time for loved ones. Thanks to the amulet, a woman will be able to find the strength to take care of her spouse and children. At the same time, a large load will not affect the emotional state or health of the hostess. The family hearth will warm and protect everyone.
- With precious stones. Such a Lunnitsa is worth acquiring for those who are just starting a relationship with a young man or getting married. The amulet will make the lady irresistible in the eyes of the companion. Spending time together will become pleasant for both, and external problems will not be able to disturb the peace. A couple or newlyweds will find harmony in communication with each other, which will make their relationship even stronger.
- DIY. To start life from a new leaf, it is recommended to make the amulet yourself. Lunnitsa will have individual characteristics, thanks to which a woman will receive the support that she needs in a particular situation. Problems will be solved many times faster, and the way to get rid of difficulties will be extraordinary, suitable for a particular case.
- With rings in the middle. This option is created for those who are in position. The amulet will help a woman to bear and give birth to a healthy child. In this case, the pregnancy will be painless, no doctor's intervention or pills are required. When the baby is born, then the amulet should be transferred to him. The girl will be able to wear the amulet throughout her life, and he will help the boy only until his first birthday.
Who is the moon amulet for?
Lunnitsa is an exclusively female amulet, so her magical powers will not extend to the owner – a man. There are several recommendations for who should wear which amulet.
- The silver lunar is suitable for young girls.
- Gold amulets or charms decorated with precious stones are the companions of ladies who are over 30 years old or who are already married.
- An amulet made of simple metal or wood will suit any representative of the fair sex.
- Lunnitsa with a ring in the middle is an assistant to expectant mothers. It is worth buying it if a woman is preparing for pregnancy or is already carrying a child.
Activation of the amulet
To activate Lunnitsa, you need to decide on the purpose of acquiring a talisman.
- If a woman wants help in her personal life, then before the process of awakening magic, she needs to kiss her lover. After that, carefully clenching the amulet in the fist of your right hand, you need to whisper: 'I received a kiss, thanked my dear. Now, Lunnitsa, it's your turn: spare me my worries. '
- If help is needed in other areas, then you need to sit in the middle of the bed, bending your knees under you. Having put on the Lunnitsa, you need to say loudly: 'The magic of the Slavs, the power of generations! I urge you, I believe in you, help me. '
How to wear an amulet
Depending on what material the amulet is made of, you can get advice on how to wear the amulet.
- It is better not to combine a silver amulet with any jewelry. Foreign jewelry can knock down the energy of a magic item.
- Gold Lunnitsa loves to have earrings made of the same precious metal around her. This pendant is best worn on a chain made of noble materials.
- A metal amulet will exhibit the highest magical activity if a woman wears jewelry with light precious stones with it.
- A wooden amulet is hidden under a jacket or a T-shirt, and it is worn on a simple dense string.
- The talisman with a ring in the middle is advised to be combined only with a wedding ring, since this traditional symbol of marriage enhances the effect of the Slavic Lunnitsa.
- If the amulet is decorated with crystals, then it is worth picking up jewelry with the same stones. Then some of the magical powers will be transferred to other jewelry.
Despite the fact that Lunnitsa is a symbol of pagan culture that left Russia long ago, it remains no less powerful amulet. Regardless of the situation and marital status, a lady can count on the help of an amulet.
The main thing is to know about the rules of compatibility with other jewelry and the purpose of each type. If you follow all the rules and activate Lunnitsa, then the woman will gain a stable source of magical powers.