Smart sayings of great people

Smart sayings of great peoplePhotos from open sources of

Psychologists say that these statements will not hurt to repeat every morning. Perhaps this is unnecessary, because, as a rule, often repeatable – bothers and stops working. These wise sayings great people just read once – they instantly cut into the memory and change something in our minds. If they do not touch your soul in any way, which means that you are an alien.

The most famous sayings

Friedrich Nietzsche called slaves all those who are not can personally allocate two-thirds of the day.

Steve Jobs witty remarked hire people to teach you how and what to do, not those you will teach this.

Albert Einstein: can’t wait instantly see the results of your efforts, go to the shoemakers.

Charles de Gaulle: choose the most difficult roads in life, because they will have fewer competitors.

Lee Iacocca once noticed that even the most true the decision, but delayed, will be erroneous.

Quite a lot of wise sayings left John Davison Rockefeller: striving only for wealth – never his you will not reach; whoever works hard has no time to “make” money; it’s better to get one percent of the efforts of a hundred people than a hundred percent of their own; it’s better to hire an enthusiast than know it all.

Oprah Winfrey: No Goal Can Be Achieved just a job.

Henry Ford: you will be right always, no matter evaluated their strengths and capabilities.

And finally, without authorship: eighty percent of all work in twenty percent of the world do, but the remaining eighty percent of people are sure that they are in those twenty percent.

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