A smart wig can monitor your health, advise on the direction of movement and even change your shape according to your desire Electronic giant Sony has filed a strange application for “wearable computing devices containing, including head wig”.
The resulting U.S. patent describes horribly sounding a device called a Smart Wig, which is literally crammed with sensors and special mechanisms transmitting user messages in the form of vibrations.
The application describes a standard wig with a tedious list all kinds of materials for its manufacture, however, that really interesting is that the “new wig may also include special fibers that move by changing your form. ”
Under the hair of the wig there is an electronic board with the possibility of communication with other external devices – for example, with a smartphone.
One or more can be installed in the sideburn area buttons to control an external computer through Wireless connection (when installing the Wi-Fi module).
In addition, SmartWig may have a GPS module, ultrasonic locator to indicate dangerous proximity with other objects and even laser pointer.
At the presentation, Sony has already demonstrated the capabilities wonder wig. Users were able to, by natural movements, Touching whiskers to switch presentation slides. And the most interesting places – highlight with a laser pointer.
A photo from open sources
It should be said that lately between tech giants a real patent war broke out cybernated technologies.
So, in defiance of Sony, Motorola last year patented electronic tattoo playing the role of a microphone capable of receiving an acoustic signal directly from the throat.