Sneaked into the house of a Chinese family and arranged there pogrom … som

I got into the house of a Chinese family and staged a pogrom there ... catfishA photo from open sources

In China, a curious and somewhat mysterious thing happened. happening. Inexplicably entered the house of a local family a huge catfish who staged a real pogrom there. According to local reporters, the incident was recorded in Changji City County Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

Head of the family, fifty-five-year-old Xu Sanmin, returning early from work, noticed that someone made a mess in the living room: there chairs and a table were turned upside down; vases and books were lying on the floor. By According to the Chinese, he listened and, hearing nothing suspicious, began to restore order. Decorations and money from home did not disappear, so the man immediately rejected the version of the robbery. “It looked like we had a poltergeist,” said Sanmin. media staff.

Parsing overturned things, a Chinese man groped something on the floor large, cold and slimy, which, on top of everything else, is sluggish stirring. The man got scared and ran out of the house. Forgotten how with the help of neighbors who armed with sticks, Sanmin returned to and found his home under a pile of things in the living room one and a half meter catfish, which, as it seems, became the culprit mess in the house.

The most amazing thing in this story is how huge the fish infiltrated the family home. No floods and floods in the city already long gone. Nobody could throw a catfish out of the window, since spouses always close both doors and windows. According to heads of family, he has the feeling that the fish are just materialized in his home. In addition, the mystery is also how living creatures survived for many hours without access to water.


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