Snow-white foam covered the street in Chinese the city

Snow-white foam covered a street in a Chinese cityPhoto from open sources

An unusual incident happened last week in Chinese Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province. From the sewer manhole straight in the middle of a busy street a dense snow-white foam, puzzling numerous pedestrians and participants traffic.

As a result, the street began to look like it had recently passed heavy snowfall. Almost 300-meter section of one of the local roads turned out to be completely covered with this mysterious substance that does not have a bright pronounced odor. Its layer was so thick that it reached pedestrians to the knees.

City workers all day washed off the foam with water, however she continued to come from the sewer. According to officials, in pipeline networks must have hit large volumes of detergent facilities. However, ordinary citizens suspect speech toxic waste can go, and it is possible that the foam is dangerous to person.

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