Someone put on a mysterious tree in Indiana metal ring

Someone put a mysterious metal ring on a tree in Indiana.A photo from open sources

The user of “Reddit” published in the section of the site, dedicated to mysterious phenomena, a rather unusual shot. The girl says that she lives in Indiana and recently went with friends with a forest in the north of the state where she discovered something amazing.

During their campaign, the Americans unexpectedly came across a strange pine tree with two trunks, one of which was worn solid metal circle without any welds, i.e. this iron hoop is clearly made whole in the factory. Our heroine and her comrades immediately asked a reasonable question: what So this piece of iron was here? Obviously massive the crown would not allow someone to simply throw a ring on tree.

Some users of the resource quickly found this phenomenon quite rational explanation. In their opinion, it’s about a cart tire, which has been here for a very long time. Pine, they say, once sprouted inside it, and now the coniferous tree will not get rid of such a hoop without outside help. However, it is doubtful that a rusty circle causes the plant any inconvenience.

But other commentators – for fun or not – began argue that all the fault of witches, the spirits of nature, the gap space-time continuum or the failure of the Matrix. It remains to be hoped that they are still mistaken, because even the most incredible phenomena are most often found logical explanation. But even in the case when scientists are not able to to do, reality itself “turns” in this case into a certain a fairy tale or mysticism only for man, but not for nature – this omnipotent and all-encompassing force that surrounds and protects us, part of which this amazing tree with iron is hoop …

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