Something strange and scary

Something strange and scaryPhotos from open sources

At first glance, this may seem like a harmless phenomenon, perhaps even attractive. The fact is that over the past half a century unicellular planktonic algae increased by ten times, which is very alarming scientists.

For example, researcher Anand Gnanadesikan of John University Hopkins has been dealing with this problem for several years, states that something strange and even frightening is happening, because this phenomenon clearly does not fit into our idea of the objective development of nature, according to Darwin’s theory.

On the one hand, Anand says, it’s kind of favorable for planet factor, because all plankton depends on the presence of ecosystem of the oceans. That is, the more it is, the better, it’s food for the whole chain of fish and marine animals. But this only in terms of our logic, since we cannot calculate how positive or negative it all is, in as a whole, will affect the life of the oceans and even the entire ecosystem the planet.

However, this is not the first swallow that shows that on Earth in recent years, unexplained from a scientific point of view view processes. Apparently, as the esotericists say, the Earth, which is a rational being, prepares the next humanity surprise. And if for the oceans it can be a salvation, then for everyone living on land, quite – the worst Apocalypse.

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