Something strange got on the surveillance camera in spanish school

Something strange got on the surveillance camera in a Spanish schoolA photo from open sources

The video below was taken at night few days ago as a security guard in a small spanish private school. According to the man, he was sitting calmly in the workplace when suddenly saw something incomprehensible on one of the monitors security.

Surveillance camera monitoring the corridor near the main entrance, captured a mysterious figure of rainbow colors, quickly scurrying across the floor. At some point, the silhouette darted to the side and disappeared – as if merged with the wall.

A photo from open sources

The surprised guard hastened to go and see for himself this a chimera, however, did not find anything wrong in the lobby, however, something was suspicious. For example, a Spaniard is ready to swear that the temperature in the place where the strange figure just “danced”, turned out to be so low that our hero noticed his own breath. Despite the fact that the anomaly is gone and it seems no longer appeared at school, she clearly capture on video. Mysterious shots, thanks to the guard who paid attention interested parties quickly scattered across the Internet.

As you might guess, many users of the World the web felt that it was a real ghost. Researchers of paranormalism were especially intrigued by the unusual appearance the alleged native of the subtle world. His body was overflowing various shades, although most often phantoms, they say, have white, black or gray colors. Other users are sure that this is not a ghost, but an object or even a subject from parallel world: from here, they say, and amazing colors and a form completely uncharacteristic of ghosts.

But skeptics are convinced that everything was the fault camera or some kind of web in front of the lens. True they for some reason, they completely ignore the guard’s statement that in the temperature suddenly dropped in a strange way: not from cobwebs …

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