Scottish scientists have come up with a radical way to protect against threatening planet of global warming. The idea is to to cover the Earth from the scorching rays of the Sun with a dust cloud. But speech It is, of course, not about ordinary dust, but about space dust. Her source may become, for example, an asteroid with sizes above average, I believe experts. A photo from open sources This is not the first space “plan Earth’s salvation. Previously to prevent the effects of global of warming, a number of experts proposed to bring to Earth orbit giant mirror. However, this project was recognized too costly, moreover, today’s technology has not yet allow it to be implemented. According to the scheme proposed by the Scots, adjust the position of the asteroid relative to the Earth and The sun needs a spacecraft. First they’ll put him on asteroid, then towed to the Lagrange point L1, where gravitational the forces of our planet and the Sun are balanced with each other. Thereafter the device will make a series of explosions, as a result of which a cloud of asteroid dust with a diameter of more than 2.5 thousand kilometers and weighing about 5 quadrillion kilograms. Thanks to gravitational the attraction of the asteroid cloud will be held for a long time around it, which will reduce the amount falling to Earth solar radiation by about seven percent. As suitable candidate for protective dust source researchers consider Ganymede – the largest near-Earth asteroid discovered October 23, 1924 by Walter Baade of Bergedorf and named in the honor of the character of ancient Greek mythology – a youth stolen Zeus. Over 98 percent of all asteroids in the solar system concentrated in the main asteroid belt located between orbits of Mars and Jupiter, as well as the Kuiper belt and theoretically existing Oort cloud. Periodically some of them in collisions with neighbors or under the influence of gravity from the side of larger objects leave their orbits and sometimes heading towards the earth. But more often, researchers see in asteroids are a potential threat than good for our planet. So, Earth collision with asteroids or other large space bodies repeatedly became the cause of global cataclysms, scientists say. For example, 65 million years ago to Earth a giant meteorite with a diameter of about 10 kilometers, which led to the formation of the Chiksulub crater on Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. It is possible that this the disaster caused the extinction of dinosaurs on the border of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, as well as active volcanic activity in the Indian subcontinent. Another global cosmogenic disaster character could happen about 12,900 years ago, at the turn of the Holocene. Then the warming period, which began with the end the last ice age suddenly gave way to a sharp cooling, which lasted almost 1100 years, which led to a massive extinction of fauna in the territory of present North America. Asteroid hazard is most often calculated by the so-called Turin scale on which potentially dangerous objects in depending on their orbit, mass and speed is assigned a certain number of points from 0 to 10. In this case, the body, which On the Turin scale, a score of 0 points is assigned, they do not have chances to touch the Earth, and those with a score of 10 points should cause a planetary catastrophe. Recently, engineers from the University Glasgow Strathclyde has developed a plan to save our planet from asteroids based on innovative laser technology. For It is proposed to use groups of small satellites, equipped with high-energy lasers and powered by solar batteries that, flying in orbit around asteroids, will become bombard them with laser pulses from small distances. It is assumed that the laser beam will change the albedo (reflective ability) of an asteroid, the surface layer of an object will evaporate, and this process will create an impulse that will lead the body to deviate from initial trajectory. True, rumors of impending clashes Earth with asteroids and subsequent apocalyptic events still greatly exaggerated. The fact is that according to statistics collisions with massive cosmic bodies occur no more often once every hundred thousand years. Margarita Troitsina
Global warming sun