Space jump

Photo from open sources

We already wrote about time jumps. But besides the movements of people through years and centuries, there are movements in space – when a person suddenly flies over hundreds and thousands of kilometers.

Strange disappearance of spouses Vidal

June 3, 1968 Argentinean attorney Gerardo Vidal from Maipu by car with his wife went to the neighboring city of Chaskomus to your parents. The company was made up of friends in their car, also a married couple.

In the evening, two couples in two cars returned to Maipu. At entering the city followed by a second Peugeot with the spouses Vidal disappeared from mind. Friends stopped, waited. But neither in 5, nor in 10, after 20 minutes, the lagging Peugeot did not appear. Worried spouses turned around and went to look for the missing. They drove to the very Chascomus, but on the way they found neither Gerardo and his wife, nor traces accident.

They reported the disappearance to the police, then phoned the surrounding area. hospitals and morgues – to no avail.

Spouses Vidal showed up on the second day. At the parents house Gerardo rang the phone: the son informed his parents that he and wife alive and well, are in Mexico and take off the next flight in Buenos Aires. Friends met the missing at the airport relatives. Gerardo, as always, was absolutely calm, but his wife was on the verge of a nervous breakdown and she was taken from the airport right to the hospital. In the evening, Gerardo in a circle of friends spoke about his unusual journey.

Gerardo’s Story

We were already approaching Maip, the mood was excellent. It was evening but it was still light. Suddenly, we seemed to have entered a thick fog. I stopped the car. The fog thickened to darkness. It has continued just a few seconds, we didn’t even have time to get scared. Suddenly, the sun shone, as if someone had flipped a switch.

Despite the evening, the sun was at its zenith. I got out cars and looked around – the area was completely unfamiliar. Paint on the body burned and burst, as if the car was burned with a soldering iron a lamp. The engine was cold, as if the car was standing several hours. The clock on the dashboard stood like my watch and spouses.

A photo from open sources

I carefully moved forward, and asked the first comer where road to Maipu. Imagine our horror when we heard that We are in Mexico and drive up to Mexico City! My wife started hysterics. Calming her cost me enormous efforts.

In Mexico City, we turned to the Argentine Embassy. Here me one more “surprise” was expected: it turned out we were not only transported together with the car at 8.000 km, but also lost about 2 days! Several hours passed while embassy staff contacted my friends in Buenos Aires and they confirmed my identity. Personally I have no complaints against the ambassador. Imagine for yourself: someone claims to be without documents, asks to help him fly to Argentina and at the same time tells the story of a strange fog in which he along with machine flew from Brazil to Mexico! Would you believe Me not, but it was just that.

Evidence you can’t get away with

The peculiarity of this case is that it has a mass supporting facts and evidence. 3rd of June spouses Vidal Gerardo’s parents and their many neighbors saw Chascomus. Himself Gerardo met with friends and gave some free consultation with friends. The Maipu archive contains a statement from 06/03/1968 about the disappearance of Vidal. The appearance of the couple in 2 days on a crippled car in Mexico City no one doubts Witnesses – all personnel of the Argentine Embassy.

So the first question of the skeptics, which begins investigation of such cases “was it really?” can with 100% certainty to answer: “Yes, it was.” And then you can give full scope of your imagination.

The case is strange, but not the only one.

The case of the couple Vidal is strange, but by no means unique. Therein the same 1968 newlyweds traveling around Brazil on Volkswagen fell asleep on the go and woke up in the same Mexico. In 1969 Marsilio Ferras and his wife drove into the fog in Brazil and drove off from it in the suburbs of the same Mexico City. These cases do not have such the same solid documentary evidence as the incident with spouses Vidal, but … One – an accident, two – an accident, three – pattern?

Mexico sun

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