A photo from open sources
An ordinary married couple from the Spanish city of Pinos Puente, the province of Granada was very puzzled when out of the wall in her a loud buzz began to be heard in the bedroom.
However, a real shock awaited homeowners when they realized what was the source of these sounds. Local beekeeper on request our heroes examined the wall and found inside it a giant a nest in which, he calculated, huddled around 80 thousand bees!
Typically, the couple lived for at least a year with noise in the bedroom and decided to ask for help only when heard from the wall buzz became so strong that it began to interfere with their sleep. Beekeeper Sergio Guerrero claims that he often helps fellow countrymen to get rid of honeymates in their homes, but this case really hit him.
According to the expert, the bee-keeper is able to put off daily up to 1.4 thousand eggs, but for the formation of such a large the colony requires at least two years. Guerrero, annually enduring more than a million wove from the homes of his clients, never had seen anything like it before, and most of all surprised him equanimity of spouses who until the last moment did not want solve this problem.
Guerrero reports: when the first signs that there are bees in your house, you should immediately seek help, not trying to cope with uninvited cohabitants on their own. At this a good specialist, they say, will not kill insects, and let them go free or put them in the hive. Guerrero himself prefers the second option and even treats its customers subsequently with honey, made by the very bees that delivered them to their time of trouble.
The bees