A photo from open sources
Humanity is on the verge of a revolutionary event that will turn our view of the world. There will be no more on Earth cripples and disabled children. For people affected by wars, automobile accidents and diseases will print spare organs on 3D bio printers. This is not science fiction. Exact start date The new era is already known.
The world’s first living organ to be printed in Russia March 15, 2015 of the year. This was stated by Vladimir Mironov, the head of the Russian Biotechnology Research Lab “3D Bioprinting Solutions “, professor at the University of Virginia (USA). Author sensation told “Komsomolskaya Pravda” about the fantastic possibilities of the new technology.
– Vladimir Alexandrovich, you so confidently call March 15, why did you choose this date?
– Everything is very simple. We set up an annual schedule for ourselves. On the This year we planned to make the world’s best 3D bioprinter. We him done. The following year, the task was to print the organ alive. body and publish an article in a scientific journal to stake out right to priority. And then comes the naked math. To to test the printed organ on a living organism, you need six months. Another 3 months will be spent on the preparation of the article. From December we take 9 months – it turns out March.
– And why on March 15?
– I spoke at a meeting on new technologies, which led Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. My suggestions for use bioprinting in health care was accepted and asked them to issue as time by March 15th. And I said to my: “Guys, balabol in the country enough. If you want to be perceived as serious people, March 15 must go to the podium and show the goods face. ” you always need to get the rabbit out of the cylinder, then you will believe.
– And which organ will be printed first?
– The same question was asked to me in the summer at the First World Congress bioprinting in Singapore. I replied: “I will not say, wait a year!” IN the audience shouted: “It will be a woman’s breast ?!” Well, things like female breast scientist can successfully engage in free scientific work time. We thought for a long time and had to stop on the thyroid gland. Because she is a very simple organ: with one arterial entrance on the side, venous exit on the other, between them cell tissue. There is something for two smoke breaks. The hardest thing is prove function in a living organism.
– On a person?
– For starters, it will be a mouse. We figured out how to do it. Gotta as in Chernobyl, cut down the thyroid gland with the help of radioactive iodine. As a result, the level of hormones in the body drops. Then transplant our printed design if hormone levels being restored, then this moment is heard: “Bang bang!” and to the ceiling Lab flies champagne cork.
A photo from open sources
– It seemed that you were talking about some disappointment about thyroid gland. And which organs are most tempting to do?
– Of course, a kidney! They already gave the Nobel Prize to the surgeon for her, which in 1954 transplanted a living kidney from a patient twin brother. Today, the one who first prints a kidney and successfully transplant her to the patient, who at the same time manages to stay alive, – This person will definitely become a Nobel laureate. Second moment – these are commercial prospects. Well, who is now dying from thyroid disease? Take pills and everything will be in openwork. There is no market. But from kidney disease every day dies in the world a huge number of people!
In China alone, 1.5 million people (according to the Ministry of Health of China) are waiting transplantation of a donor kidney. The need is satisfied at 1 percent. So the rest are either sitting on hemodialysis, which is big money – 4 times more expensive than a kidney transplant. Or just die in line. And now – attention: the kidney is on the black market from 200 to 250 thousand dollars. Multiply 1.5 million by 250 thousand dollars, and you will not get billions – trillions of dollars! AND It is only in China. Patients will be happy: they return to full life. Healthcare is happy: they spend on patients 4 times less money! And most importantly: a new industry will appear – factories for the production of organs. This is more or less like the 21st century.
– It doesn’t fit in my head how to print a kidney …
– This is not the most difficult. It will be difficult to get permission for her transplant. Imagine to do fetal experiments cells, the Americans prepared 20 volumes of documentation, it took 4 years. We think that we will print the first functional kidney in 2018 year. And then clinical testing is very expensive and long. If we successfully print the thyroid gland, then the kidney is just a matter of time. Technically, we know 90 percent how her do.
– In the mass consciousness, there was an idea that the cutting edge science is the West. Many of our scientists have left the country. And you have returned. Why?
– Not only I returned. Our team has collective experience. work abroad 40 years. We have something to compare. I’m 20 years old worked at universities in the USA and Germany, with the head Sergey Novoselov’s laboratory has 10 years of work in the United States. Our other scientists collaborated with universities in Switzerland, Israel … And now we have a common opinion that now in Russia conditions have arisen in order to do arrogant, high-tech, revolutionary things in science.
I regularly ask colleagues: “Maybe I’m wrong, but I have the feeling that something in Russia is changing for the better? “They answer: “We also have a feeling.” I ask the second question: “And not is this an example of a classic disease of the intelligentsia when do we take wishful thinking? ”Answer:“ No, like MIC starts to rise, money went to science “…
“What made you leave America?”
– Two factors. First – a new generation has appeared in Russia business people. Our investors, for example, made money by creating thousand diagnostic centers throughout Russia. They are millionaires, and will soon become billionaires. They already have everything. Why are they invest money in such risky technology as bioprinting, and don’t invest like “normal people” in yachts and private jets? It lured me a lot. It turns out that in Russia, in principle, you can to do everything. They say: a terrible Russian bureaucracy, nobody is nothing it is necessary … Now we will wipe the nose of the Americans: for the first time send into space a 3D bioprinter of a new type – magnetic.
“Why in space?”
– Why do we do layered printing on earth? Because there is gravity. And in orbit there is no gravity – cells float in zero gravity, then we create a magnetic field, give a signal and the organ is formed by itself. Imagine if at car factories Will the parts start assembling themselves in the car? In the USA I was not allowed go to NASA since I’m a foreigner. And in Russia – please! we came to the Energia rocket and space corporation, which is responsible for part of the experiments aboard the ISS. They immediately seized on the idea. It was a pleasant surprise.
Here Obama says: “Russia does not produce anything!”. Yes he doesn’t even guesses what we are capable of. We first sent the man to space! We have the largest number of world chess champions! But this is in the past. And now we are the first in the world to print the thyroid iron, and Russia will go down in history as a country at the forefront new technological revolution.
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