Photos from open sources of
Residents of the glorious northern city of Russia Murmansk in the beginning September surprised and at the same time pleased spectacular clouds in the form wing waves in the sky.
Scientists explain this fantastically beautiful phenomenon. “Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability,” which happens rather rarely, and therefore it can be observed at best once in a lifetime, in the worst – only in pictures or videos. Such waved clouds scientists say, arise from the complex relationship of warm and cold air currents.
Although it seems like a fantasy to an ordinary person, here why that day Evgeny Karpukhin (see his photo) first I was amazed at the heavenly picture, seeing such mysterious clouds, and because he immediately took out a smartphone and captured them on the camera. Here what he said by posting a photo on the Internet:
I did not even immediately realize the value of this picture, but when he began to show it to friends, according to their enthusiastic responses realized that photography is worth it to be seen as much as possible people. Maybe someone knows something interesting about these clouds and exciting?
Eugene was not mistaken, not all Internet users agree so that mysterious formations in the sky can be explained by some dry scientific theory, the same “Instability Kelvin-Helmholtz. “And what about explicit visions, some mysterious signs, images (recently Americans even face Putin spotted among the cloud and scared him seriously)
And how many cases where independent researchers have recorded how clouds observe human activities, even sometimes help people in difficult times. That is, they are some kind of reasonable heavenly creatures. Therefore, any spectacular clouds for some reason attract our attention, fascinate the mind and even often pushing us to some actions that we just a minute ago commit and did not think. On the one hand, dry scientific theory, but on the other hand another is an amazing life full of secrets and hopes for the present miracle…
Life Russia