Squat and push up – instead medicine!

Squat and push up - instead of medicine!Photo from open sources

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor S. Bubnovsky at one time independently, without any medicine, burst from the paws of serious ailments, then creating their own complex of healing the body. By the way, he raised hundreds of people to their feet using this technique, making them healthy and happy.

That’s what strikes me, the professor says, is that when a certain disease or after it children are released from school physical education. It turns out that in the movement a person will be sick, but lying in bed – will certainly recover. But everything in life vice versa. By the way, lying on the couch and swallowing even the most expensive and “miraculous” drugs, a diseased organ can never be cured, since all pain occurs where there is no movement of blood, energy – no life.

The Bubnovsky system has its own trinity – squat, push-up and Abdominal swing. A scientist recalls how once asked the long-lived (lived 108 years) artist Boris Efimova, how does he manage to stay at such an age lively and healthy? To which he answered – I just squat every day at least four hundred times.

Squats, the professor notes, is a great boost. organism. Want to get rid of many diseases – squat with straight back like this: ten squats – a sip of clean water, more ten is another sip. This is especially true for those who are many. spends time in a chair near the computer. For them should become the rule is this mode of operation: an hour in a chair – thirty squats, in the next hour – twenty squats and ten push-ups, another in an hour – twenty squats and ten exercise of the abdominals (for example, lifting the body from a prone position – hands behind head). Well and so on – the whole working day.

The morning must always begin with a cold bath or dousing ice water, certainly with a head. You can use cold douche, however it’s much worse because douche is the body’s energy breaks, but the bath and the flow of water – collect.

A photo from open sources

The most ridiculous and at the same time sad, says Bubnovsky, lies in the fact that almost all patients at first simply get scared: now what will have to do gymnastics all my life? Them it seems that lying on the couch and swallowing medications is much easier and more pleasant. However, in this way, no one has yet become healthy. When you get involved in gymnastics, you will not only drive out of your body all sorts of ailments, but also you will find minutes of incomparable pleasure. For example, I note the professor, the greatest joy and delight I get souls exactly when I perform a set of exercises.

But for this, you first need to overcome laziness in yourself. How constantly emphasizes M. Norbekov, the main stumbling block to health, youth, success and prosperity in human life is his inescapable laziness. Unfortunately, many people prefer to get sick and even die than fight your laziness …

Water Life Time

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