Photo from open sources
The video below was received the other day in the cabin “Singapore Airlines” flying from Singapore to London. Large a dark bird in which the starling was identified, as if from nowhere “materialized” aboard the airliner, puzzling passengers and service staff.
It has been suggested that the feathered bird entered the air the vessel shortly before takeoff and hid in the luggage compartment, however, when the plane rose to high altitude, low pressure forced leave the shelter for the bird. It is reported that after landing the unusual they managed to catch the “hare” (though not without difficulty) and place it in quarantine.
Be that as it may, the starling brightened up the flight of passengers by introducing it’s a little variety, and one it seemed a miracle, to others – a good sign, why people flew more calmly, not about than not worrying, and still others made this a good topic for conversations and even dating. No wonder they say that the bird flies in home to happiness or to some good news. On the plane, probably also…
Birds Aircraft