Office of the NOAA (National Oceanic and atmospheric research) recorded in the depths of the Pacific sounds whose origin is impossible to explain.
A photo from open sources For more than twenty years, scientists have been recording and explore the noise of the oceans. They recorded the sounds of seismic activity, marine animals, the noise of moving ice masses. Nonetheless, the origin of some of them is still not explained seems possible. Various theories have been put forward, including marine life, ice sheet instability and even a UFO.
A sound called “Roar”
NOAA detected this sound in 1997, it sounded on ultra-low frequencies and was incredibly powerful. He was spotted in a very distant the Pacific Ocean, which is located southwest of the South America. The nature of the sound suggests that the source was some kind of animal, but the famous science animals capable of making sounds of this nature, in addition, volume The roar is several times higher than any known animal noise origin. “Roar” was simultaneously recorded by several hydrophones distant from each other for five thousand kilometers, which makes it the farthest ocean ever heard sounds.
Sound “Julia”
It was registered by NOAA on March 1, 1999, its the duration was approximately fifteen seconds. This noise came from the equatorial part of the Pacific Ocean, the source was somewhere between Easter Island and South America. The sound of “Julia” was like that very loud and was recorded by hydrophones separated a distance of more than five thousand kilometers.
A sound called “Slowdown”
This NOAA sound was recorded on May 19, 1997, and it continued. about seven minutes. It has been called slowing down because its height continuously decreased for seven minutes. Since 1997, this noise repeated almost annually, the location of its source was determined just north of Easter Island, near the Pacific Equator. Scientists put forward the hypothesis of the origin of the sound “Slowdown”, but it not confirmed. Its sound resembles the movement of ice masses. Antarctic, but the location of the source excludes the presence of ice there at any time of the year, so the discussion remains open.
The sound called the Train
This sound was also recorded by NOAA in the equatorial part. Pacific Ocean, a little south of Easter Island. The sound prevails regular increase in volume and pitch to fixed limits that are consonant with the train hoot.
Sound “Rise”
It was recorded by NOAA in August 1991 and consists of many Frequently repeating sound waves with a rapid rise in frequencies. FROM the moment of detection, this sound was recorded annually, but the frequency and the volume was constantly decreasing each time. There is seasonal regularity – the highest frequencies sound reaches in the spring and in the fall. The sound source is located in the Pacific Ocean, north of Antarctica, about halfway between New Zealand and South America. Scientists speculate about seismic nature this noise and connect its appearance with volcanic activity in this region.
The sound called “Whistle”
This sound was spotted on July 7, 1997, and it was recorded only one hydrophone sensor. This is very unusual, since all the above sounds were captured by at least four different sensors at the same time. The sound source is located in equatorial pacific, about five hundred miles (approximately 800 kilometers; approx. from the city of Mexico City. The sound resembles that of a whistle and usually lasts about a minute. The “whistle” is recorded annually from the moment it is detected.
All of these inexplicable sounds come from the Pacific depths. One may wonder for a long time what serves as their sources: animals, seismic activity, or even UFOs? Good news consist in the fact that the answer may not be long in coming, because
NOAA develops new high-tech hydrophone sensors. Their sensitivity will be more than a hundred times Outperform the hydrophones in use now.
Antarctica Easter Island