Strange light waves in the sky above America

Strange light waves in the sky over AmericaPhoto from open sources

Recently, something has been going on on our planet. abnormal: some lights, light poles in the sky, strange sounds coming from the depths of space, and much more, completely incomprehensible.

Some researchers attribute this to a possible bias. poles of the Earth, someone is talking about climate weapons and his consequences, and the Americans in this regard sin on Russia, and Russians are in the USA. People of official science, as always, in perplexed because clearly explain these abnormal phenomena are not they can, and therefore, so far only build various theories and conjectures, to for example, they blame everything on missile launches, with which they disagree ufologists and other paranormal researchers.

Meanwhile, the unexplained again over North America the phenomenon is now a strange glow that eyewitnesses describe as Mysterious colored waves of light in the night sky. The other day they were watched in Pennsylvania as well as in the state of Georgia for example most vividly this manifested itself over the city of Athens. However, it is possible that simply the inhabitants of this city were most active on the Internet, telling and even showing this strange “northern lights”, which simply cannot be such.

For example, Georgia Americans watched these light waves. for almost forty minutes. Here is how one of eyewitnesses:

The color waves in the night sky are, of course, beautiful, but at the same time scary, because it is not clear what it is. These waves spilled in the sky, somewhere in the northwest, when it was dark. This has never happened here, so people get scared: whether the war begins, or the end of the world comes …

For more information about this phenomenon, see the video below.


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