Photo from open sources
The other day, Indian doctors in Karnataka removed from the eye 11-year-old girl living in a small village near the city Beltangadi, 60 ants. Scientists at a loss, how did they get there? And the girl herself did not even notice this.
However, a girl named Ashvini began to complain in recent days parents to itch in the eye. They examined her eye and to their surprise they extracted an ant from there. True, this was all over, because adults believed that the ant accidentally got into the eye when the girl was sleeping. And if the insect is extracted from the eye, then and then with end.
But there it was, Ashvini continued to complain of pain in the eye, so she had to be taken to the doctor who examined the girl’s eye, found nothing unusual in it, but just in case, registered eye drops.
After the girl was given this medicine, from her eyes to a total of 60 dead ants came out. How did they get there and why so many no one can understand, doctors interested this case, they shrug in disbelief.
However, in India there was already a similar case, in 2016 from the ear 12-year-old girl Shreya Dariji then recovered one and a half hundred ants. It was not how they got there that astounded the scientists, but how fit in the ear. And they didn’t cause the child no harm, as in the present case: itching in Ashwini’s eye passed, no deviations in the vision of an Indian girl observed …