Strange Object Separated from Policeman’s Leg after the pursuit of the criminal

A strange object separated from a policeman’s leg after chasing a criminalA photo from open sources

Mysterious video captures the attention of users World Wide Web. The frames below were received. a few years ago from a police helicopter in Los Angeles, however, researchers of anomalous phenomena became interested in them only now.

Then in the “city of angels” there was a major chase law enforcement officers for the criminal. Lawbreaker on white Chevrolet wagon rammed several gates, trying to break away from police cars. He drove onto a busy highway, where he scored decent speed, but soon suddenly … stopped. Reportedly that the offender simply shot himself, not wanting to fall into the hands of the police.

When the weather came to an end and the cops surrounded the car with a corpse inside, something very strange happened that didn’t escape the camera the operator, who is at that moment in the helicopter. At around 10:14 the sensational video is clearly visible, as from the foot of one of the officers unexpectedly obscure dark object the size of a tennis ball. He creeps along the road or floats away through the air, disappearing after a few seconds from the police cameras.

“Mysterious black thing,” as commentators nicknamed it on YouTube behaves like a living creature escape from the scene. Network regulars are building various theories as to what it could be, and some of the hypotheses put forward are simply fantastic.

So, some users suggest that the policeman is a stranger disguised as a human who has dropped a cocoon or alien capsule. According to others, it’s about a supernatural being who has left in such a strange way suicide body. Still others believe that the video shows a certain a bunch of energy, the origin of which is simply not given to us understand.

Skeptics, of course, also find “witty” explanations. what happened. According to the materialists, it was only some leaf flying in the wind. Other doubters claim that the unknown object was larger and flew from above, and only his shadow appeared on the road.

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