According to the local KGUN-9 television channel, thousands of mysterious, translucent purple spheres were recently found in the desert Arizona.
It was a normal Sunday in the town of Vail for Geradina Vargas. Normal until she and her husband stumbled upon something a little strange. Thousands of tiny, purple-colored spheres appeared as if from nowhere.
A photo from open sources
They were watery, some translucent, and a bunch of spheres lay on its own, no traces led to it, and it was isolated from plants. Zheradina was amazed, and she wanted answers.
A photo from open sources
– We spoke with Darlene Bukhrov from the Tucson Botanical Garden, her the husband is a nerd. He said that if they are natural origin, then they can be a form of mucus or some kind of jelly kind of mushrooms.